Alar zu Rapid – Kreissl snappy: "Does he have to know for himself"


The next transfer from Deni Alar to SK Rapid puts all the rest in the dust in an already turbulent transfer time of SK Sturm.

A few weeks before the first official matches, the top scorer and captain of last season leaves the club One of the strongest opponents of the Bundesliga

The mood of sports director Günter Kreissl, who has already had to accept several starts this summer in Vienna, is significantly damaged

"It hit me yesterday, today it does not hit me anymore", The 44-year-old tries to return to " fight mode " LAOLA1

" Now the other players will be important "

" He has been a major player these past two seasons, In the coming seasons, other players will become important. is ahead, we do not hit anything, "says Kreissl.

That the top scorer at the time that he was transferred to Hütteldorf, and in addition to a clause of which his predecessor was responsible, he does not comment without a quick remark: "I can not change anyway, where he is going. He must know where he is going as a captain two weeks before the first match. "

After the transfer of James Jeggo to Austria, the sports director of Graz must realize that the words are only of conditional value in daily football. It hurts when someone says something in a lot of conversations and then he does not comply, "he said a few weeks ago on the behavior of the Australian

Kreissl: Friesenbichler a name of several

Franz Mbader June face "Spox" again: "One thing is clear: the national offers do not even consider Deni." Now everything is different. "Football is an everyday affair," says Mbader Friday LAOLA1 – At present, both clubs are in contact with the transfer, he says.

Kreissl explains that Sturm is prepared for imminent departures like those of Alar and points to the Vorber, hitherto impeccable. Alar: "We had friendly matches against strong opponents (NK Domzale, FC Copenhagen, Middlesbrough FC, etc.) without the players on the team, we won all three games, Markus Pink made a great victory. against Middlesbrough.In addition, we have Eze and other players who can play ahead. "

Nevertheless, further reinforcements are expected." Kevin Friesenbichler is one many names we deal with. "Austria is currently waiting for an offer from Graz Even more newcomers in the Kreissl offensive excludes:" All can be. "

At the end of the day, the sports director of Sturm represents the big picture in the foreground: "It's only about individual stories." Football is not an individual sport. have to see what team we have on the square, how it trains, works and plays, and how much quality there is in it, all that I positively rate. "

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