Algorithm creations: Christie's AI at auction


New York –

It could be an unfinished Rembrandt, maybe a Vermeer. The blurred print "Edmond de Belamy" depicts a man in a dark white-collar hood reminiscent of that of a French clergyman of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

But instead of an old master, it was a computer that worked here: the portrait is the first work of art of an artificial intelligence (AI), which falls under the hammer of a big auction house – without clear rules on the author and the owner of the rights.

"Min G max D Ex[log(D(x))]+ Ez[log(1-D(G(z)))]"Is written as a signature in the lower corner.This refers to the algorithm that produced the work." Christie's was more cautious about the cost of auctioning in New York until the end of the year. $ 8,900 and predicts "the arrival of AI on the world auction scene." Thursday, however, five bidders raised prices skyrocketing.The contract was won by a bidder Anonymous on the phone for 432 000 dollars, which corresponds to about 380 000 €.

Behind the work is the Paris collective Avoid, who had already sold a work in his series Belamy to art collector Nicolas Laugero Lbaderre in February. He paid 10,000 euros and spoke of an approach "both grotesque and funky". There are now eleven Belamy engravings. The fictional family is named after Artificial Intelligence researcher Ian Goodfellow, whose family name translates as "beautiful friend" in French.

In Goodfellow's Generan Adversarial Network (GAN), two parts of a competing algorithm compete. The "generator" tries to thwart the "discriminator" – in this case the question of whether a table is real or created by the computer. The base of this was a set of 15,000 portraits, created between the 14th and the 20th century. On the basis of this, the "generator" produced images until his opponent considers that one of these images was created by the man.

"People should have the least possible influence on the finished job throughout the process," said Gauthier Vernier, who, alongside Hugo Caselles-Dupré and Pierre Fautrel, is at the helm. origin of the collective "Avoid", the magazine "Time". All three are "Time" according to 25 years. Their motto: "Creativity is not just something for people." With income, they want to continue to train their algorithm, invest money in computing power and try 3D objects.

What works today as a good gag for the art market may soon require new laws. "If a work was designed by a human, but produced by a machine, who is the author?", Asks the "Art Newspaper". And if people did not intervene at all, could an AI have the copyright right then alone? According to Vernier, the quality of the author can not be in accordance with the law in force. The KI Sophia robot, for example, had already been granted Saudi citizenship a year ago.

Christie's enters a new territory with the auction and provides a response to former competitor Sotheby's. He had mastered the headlines for two weeks after the spectacular auction of a Banksy photo that had partially destroyed it. "A piece of live show" was auctioned for the first time, proudly announced the auction house. Now, Christie's mark in the race continues for the first and the sales records with dizzying sums.

However, the so-called generative art is by no means new. Already in the 1970s, artists were experimenting with automated processes and leaving machines to creative work. There have been many and many works of art in art, music and literature.

The concept of art is redefined every few generations, says Erin-Marie Wallace, whose company Rare-Era Appraisals appreciates the works of art located near Washington, on NPR radio. "We are redefining what is art in the 21st century .I think art is judged on what people are willing to pay for it." (Dpa)

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