Allegations against stewards: Racism in the Tabalugahaus of Maffay?


Roma launch racist and violent accusations against the administrator of Peter Maffay's Tabaluga house in Romania. He allegedly insulted, threatened, kicked and beat villagers. The administrator resolutely rejects the allegations.

By Andrea Beer, ARD Studio Vienna

Nicu Mitula lives in Radeln, a remote village in Transylvania. Almost all are Roma and, like Mitula, live for the most part as shepherds or day laborers.

Since 2009, the Romanian foundation "Fundatia Tabaluga" by musician Peter Maffay has its headquarters in Radeln. make. The Tabaluga House has nothing to do with the German Foundation for Tabaluga Children

The director of Tabaluga House is Michael Morth, a Transylvanian Saxon native to Germany. He cursed the Roma as gypsies who only have children and do not want to work, report the villagers to ARD Studio Vienna . The intendant had been described as the second Hitler.

Threatened with the "Sachsenschaukel"

Mitula says that he was insulted and beaten by Morth. His nephew Petrica Mitula also reports bad experiences with the Tabaluga house steward: "He beat me up and said that he was doing the" Sachsen swing & # 39; 39 with me, meaning that he was going to hang me and when he hit me, I tried to escape him but he grabbed me, m & # 39; threw in the fridge and tore up my clothes, I lay on the floor and kicked me. "

He can testify to this scene, says Ciprian Tinu. The Tabaluga administrator offered him money when he was silent about it. The 37-year-old was once a kind of guardian at Tabalugahaus. Morth has often helped, says Tinu, but the Roma called "smelly gypsies".

Tabalugahaus administrator rejects the allegations

The administrator Tabalugahaus Morth denies all [ARD] studio Vienna decided all incidents and allegations. He writes in writing that he has never insulted, kicked, beaten, threatened or thrown Roma on the floor and has never offered money to anyone. ;a. He hated Hitler's name to the fullest.

He lives in a village with more than 80% of Roma for eight years and enjoys working with them. He writes to ARD-Studio Vienna : "I am not a racist and I do not exercise any physical or psychological power." From my point of view, all this has nothing to do with to see with racism. To put rumors about me in the world to get rid of me. "

He had been threatened by a villager, he would end up personally as his surname, so" dead "- Romanian for" dead. "Another threatened to beat him as well as the head of Peter Maffay.

Maffay goes behind the steward

Peter Maffay is engaged against racism The ARD-Studio Vienna gives an interview to the musician on October 9, 2017 at the Tabalugahaus Radeln Ten days later, Maffay removes the interview through the intermediary of a lawyer.

He can not make such allegations about Michael Morth's person, says Maffay. would never allow such a thing, as a foundation and as a person, he could not afford it.Political differences of opinion are conceivable

The work of the foundation at Radeln is more difficult than that. he did not think so, says Peter Maffay ARD Studio Vienna A safe place to stay This is not the case, there is pedophilia, prostitution and a partially illegal room in the village. It has nothing to do with the foundation.

Maffay points out what has already happened in the village: better water supply, better waste management, learning and play afternoons for villagers or villagers. Racism in Romania Everyday life

According to estimates, one to two of the approximately 20 million inhabitants of Romania are Roma. The flagrant racism of the majority society is a bitter daily life for them. Most are excluded from education, health care or the regular work environment. Courts and authorities often do not take Roma seriously.

Mitula and other villagers on bicycle hold charges against the Tabalugahaus administrator. He sees a hunt against him. Activists and journalists have disturbed the families of the village and led to quarrels. Maffay protects his steward against the allegations of some villagers.

Mitula says that the argument with the steward of Tabaluga had cost him a lot of energy: "People say you can not compete with Morth, and he will always be right." The dispute in the remote village by bike in Transylvania, it is not over yet.

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