Alpine skiing: Hirscher shows restraint


The winner of the World Cup seven times reveals the number of races in which he will participate and next winter. "For me, it is important to lead this race now and then we will see how preparations for the next races will take place," he told the Sölden giant slalom on Sunday (10am and 1pm, live on ORF one and in the live stream).

Also, how many times he will drive on the Rettenbach Glacier, is debatable. "I can not answer that now, it's going to happen, it depends on many factors," said Hirscher, who recently became a father for the first time. It is also curious to know what can be possible Sunday. The comparison with colleagues was going well, but that was not enough for a big verdict.

ALPINE SKIING - Marcel Hirscher, training

GEPA / Andreas Pranter

After seven overall World Cup wins, Hirscher has changed its priorities

Hirscher goes through experiments

"It was definitely a lot of dry workout, I tried to stay in shape.The testing day was very, very good today but probably has little to do with the race at that time. there, "said the 29-year-old pilot. "Regarding the installation, I did not do much, it worked very well last year." It was impossible to tinker, because the conditions did not allow it.

Emerging rocks on the slopes were a byproduct after the long, hot summer. "It was a warm up, the good skis that we have retained, even today, the very good skis can not stand, because at every training, it has a 50% chance that the ski is completely broken or that you can always judge him. "For all the athletes, it was difficult to find the configuration. He badumes that he will go with a ski from last season.

"The fire is burning and it's fun"

The goal for Sunday is to get into the season. "And of course, you have to be as fast as you can and get the best out of the races, but, so it's my guess, it will take a while to find my way, but basically the fire is burning and that It's fun, I'm sure I've chosen the right path. "

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