Alpla and Fromm cooperate in the field of PET recycling


Alpla Werke packaging manufacturer Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG of Austria and Fromm Plastics GmbH of Switzerland agreed on cooperation in the field of PET recycling. Both companies operate PET bottle recycling plants and thus secure the supply of raw materials from their own production facilities. The cooperation also aims to enable the complete recycling of PET plastics on the German market.

The objective of the cooperation between Alpla and Fromm is to optimize the already high recycling rates of PET and reduce CO2 emissions by reducing CO2 emissions transport routes. In addition, both companies benefit from simplified access to the markets of the respective countries.

"The requirements of our production companies complement each other very well: at Alpla we mainly need clear regrinds and food quality Fromm uses colored flakes for strapping," says Georg Lässer, head of recycling services Alpla also says: "The cooperation of our recycling companies will ensure the quantity and quality of raw materials for production on both sides."

Reinhard Fromm, owner of the Fromm Group, also commented positively on the project: "The three recycling plants The supply markets are ideally integrated and complement each other in the supply of raw materials.

Partners with complementary interests

The Alpla group owns the PET Recycling Team plants in Wöllersdorf (Austria) and Radomsko (Poland). These recycling companies have an annual capacity of approximately 45,000 tonnes of food grade PETR, ie recycled PET, from post-consumer recycled materials.

Since 2004 PET recycling company Texplast in Wolfen (Germany) is a subsidiary of Fromm Plastics GmbH. It produces regranulated PET and PET flakes. The company uses them for its own production of strapping, but also supplies manufacturers of beverage bottles, thermoforming films and fibers.

The contracting parties have so far agreed to keep the details of the cooperation confidential. Other possibilities for cooperation should be examined.

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