Also "Ant-Man And The Wasp" is affected: That's why the credits have not lost anything at the movies


Today, "Ant-Man And The Wasp" is released in the country's cinemas and like Marvel, as usual, it follows a post-credit scene. So stay seated? Due to: For our author rather a reason to leave the room in a hurry.

It may have gotten: After the end of a movie Marvel follows a small scene as a bouncer, but only after credits . It's been ten years since Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) made a surprise visit to Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.), released in 2008. Incidentally, the very short scene that followed the end of credits was born from 39, a spontaneous joke. Perhaps the greatest tradition of MCU alongside appearances of comic guru Stan Lee was not part of an ingenious and well planned plan, as one might think in such a successful franchise, but just a joke. A gag that was barely heard at the time in cinemas, notice, because most viewers usually leave the room at the beginning of the credits.

Today, it's different with a new Marvel film C is almost an established rule of conduct to sit and wait for the end of end credits, because the post-credit scene is certain. He made the movie a nightcap for a long time before the MCU: In 1903 he published "The Great Railway Robbery" Edwin S. Porter sat the famous recording in which the burglar shoots the audience, just at the end of the film, without that There was a link with the story. A century later, the medium of the film has changed a lot, but the scene after the film is long established and also the new "Ant-Man And The Wasp", which is in cinemas since July 26, 2018 in this country, makes no exception Anyone who wants to know what the blockbuster movie scene looks like before going to the movies can already read this, and everyone will of course sit down as soon as the names of the attendees pbad on the spotlight. 39; screen. Except me, I get up.

The reason is simple, because a film is finished for me when it is finished . The last final scene, the last shot, the last moment in this fictitious world, is the point after my return to reality. A film is a finished work and if the filmmakers have something to say, then they should do it before the credits begin . Now, post-credit scenes are often used to tease a possible successor and make you want to and against such small appetizers at the end or even a cliffhanger, I have in principle nothing wrong. In "Batman Begins", however, director Christopher Nolan showed how to do things correctly and placed the Joker's announcement for the successor again in the final scene of the actual film . What would have been a post-credit sequence at Marvel, remains content of the film and the story and therefore retains its relevance. Nolan hates even the use of post-credit scenes and said a few years ago that "a real movie would not do that."

A clear blow to Marvel's films, in which the Post The credit scene has long been the formula for success. The MCU is a brand in itself and the compulsory credits play their role. Thus, all Avengers, Spider-Man and Cie films are interdependent and chained like a clock. You might even think that post-credit scenes act like gears, without which the global product would not work properly . A telling example of this is the scene that follows in "Avengers 3" after the credits. The teaser not only announces the appearance of "Captain Marvel" in 2019, but reveals the death of some important characters. But if the viewer is not allowed to go after the movie so as not to miss the real end, then, in my opinion, something goes wrong. In any case, because of the end credits, not to mention the recognition of the filmmakers, there is no one.

When Nothing Comes

The movie takes on a bland connotation and looks like a TV episode, after which in the next episode "comes in. Scary is also the premise of the reward because as you say so well:" There is still something. " It borders on ridicule when viewers, some of whom could not do anything with the movie, sit still just because they can see an extra scene, and also bbad But if that does not happen, the mood will change, because if we are not rewarded for our efforts and we stay there empty-handed, it will frustrate us, whereas what we have just seen becomes trivial.I can not forget the visit of the spin-off "X-Men" "Logan – The Wolverine", in which the whole room rebelled in the spring of 2017, after the end credits, contrary to expectations that ended without a post-credit scenario. The film, which was felt just before in the audience, completely disappeared in a moment.

The fact that "Logan" did not include surprisingly bouncer despite Marvel's affiliation, is mainly due to the director's directive: James Mangold sees it's quite similar to colleague Nolan and he even says: "Making such a movie would be just embarrbading for whore ." Although Mangold's remarks are quite extreme, it's more the truth, as you may think. The filmmaker talks about post-credit scenes including an addiction and that seems to be more and more to stay in the cinema. The new films of Marvel, DC and Fox ("Deadpool") work without credits in some cases yes, as I did not say more and thus degenerate more and more to the line work. Of course, movies have always been products that make money, but if even the immersion of the story has to do it, it does not give much hope to the ## 147 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # The future of cinema.

THE FILMSTARTS Criticism on "Ant-Man And The Wasp"

There remains only the escape from the hall, which is so common in all the other films in the audience. Basically, I always like to sit in a movie, even if it's already over. There are exceptions, such as when the film was really good for nothing or that the accompaniment does not want to wait. But why should not you leave immediately? A generic is part of a film and most importantly the production staff deserved that I be honored with the name of this work. In a film production, a huge creative effort is made to bring a film to the screen. Many spectators are not aware of this effort. Alone, to guess for which task how many people were needed and to better understand the production of such a production, it is worth it to sit down.

Credits Offer Personal Easter Eggs

Sometimes there are also easy credits to make interesting discoveries. I have already spotted one or the other of the knowledge of the days of study who apparently managed to find work in a visual effects company respected (Hollywood has long been waiting for Germany for a long time), for me it is also interesting to know what camera technology was set up, often revealed at the end of a generic. Also David Fincher's "Gone Girl" was cut with an unusual for a rather unusual Hollywood editing program like Adobe Premiere, I would have never learned without sitting down.

But even without this wealth of information, a generic can be fascinating. Some films also manage to impress so that they want to give them a little repercussion . Often this is due to the use of very special music that captivates the viewer once more. An effect that I could observe in the masterpiece of Denis Villeneuve "Blade Runner 2049" last year, when at the cinema, not a single spectator wanted to leave his seat during the generic, just because the movie had a huge attraction. The credit sequences can also stand out visually, such as credits from "Sherlock Holmes" with his drawn scene images or "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", which comes in the form of the Marauders' Map [19659003]: Credits before the film

But since even the most impressive credit sequence is barely noticed due to mbadive audience stealing, many filmmakers simply put their credits at the beginning of the film and suddenly show a perception completely different: James Bond series, the oppressive opening of "Alien" or the stylish sequence at the beginning of David Fincher's "Seven", which even anticipates the murders of the serial killer – all these iconic sequences are nothing more that absences placed at the beginning, which today would hardly appreciate such a status, they would have run as usual at the end of the film. The credits were once in the history of cinema actually a header. Until the end of the 1960s, it was always obvious to show the names of the contributors before the film, because even then one was aware that otherwise nobody would read them. It was only in the 1970s that "End Credits" became socially acceptable.

Today, however, we sit again because we are promised a souvenir, which we can then remove from the film. While we are not tempted to get up before, Marvel's films come out with up to five (!) Aperitif scenes, which are distributed in the credits as in "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2". How much they really surpbad us, they even admitted, even with the meta-post-credit scene of "Spider-Man: Homecoming", the scene much smarter and more subtle than the similar credits of "Deadpool" is:

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