Altcoin Market Analysis KW 45 – Explosion of Bitcoin Cash, other currencies than Bitcoin Plus


Total market capitalization reached $ 211 billion. With the exception of Bitcoin, all of the top 10 cryptographic currencies record price gains. The price of Bitcoin Cash has increased by 27%.

name US dollar price Market capitalization in billions of dollars Course change in the week as a percentage course evaluation Support in US dollars Resistance in US dollars
Bitcoin 6444.19 111.87 0 neutral 6152.76 6648.07
Ethereum 209.20 21,55 3 rather bullish 183.02 229.08
XRP 0.46 18.66 2 neutral 0.42 0.51
Bitcoin Cash 555.52 9.69 27 bullish 481.28 593.76
EOS 5.48 4.97 2 rather bullish 5.09 5.80
stellar 0.24 4.61 6 bullish 0.23 0.25
litecoin 53,90 3.18 5 bullish 49,90 58.30
cardano 0.08 1.96 5 rather bullish 0.07 0.09
monero 111.22 1.84 7 bullish 100.00 114.83
attached 1.00 1.77 0

It shows the performance of the ten most expensive cryptocurrencies expressed in billions of dollars.

Although Bitcoin always wants to move happily on the side, the first crypto-currencies resist this crab walk, so that movements in the top 10 appear. Market capitalization fell to $ 202 billion earlier this week, but rose to $ 211 billion during the week. The top 10 rose an average of six percent. These include the price increases of Litecoin, Cardano, Stellar, Monero and – in particular – Bitcoin Cash. This small rally meant that Tether fell back into the top 10.

The outlook is better than the week before, so the daredevils can open long positions again. As targets and means to stop the losses, the resistors and supports shown in the table above provide a first orientation.

Best stock market performance: Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

For some, a community is falling apart, for others there is an investment opportunity: the Bitcoin spot price has risen by 30% thanks to the upcoming Hard Fork on November 15th. Without a doubt, investors hope to get some free coins from the Bitcoin ABC-Bitcoin SV conflict – especially when Binance announces support for Hard Fork. In any case, the course could easily exceed the MA50 moving average and tested the MA140 on November 4th.

The MACD is positive and rising and the RSI has become an overbought territory – which is not surprising in a rally. While it may be possible to consolidate with regard to the RSI, in terms of the time that elapses before the Hard Fork, we still arrive at a bullish Evaluation. The prudent trader can climb on the resistance $ 593.76 as long entry for a target of $ 660.73 as target and $ 566.00 as stop loss. The daredevils, who do not want to miss a penny profit, can now get started and use the $ 530 plateau in stop loss. A short position is offered only when the course falls under the support at $ 481.28, with a loss surplus at $ 509.46 and a target at $ 408.42.

Worst performance: Bitcoin (BTC)

The "worst price evolution" has to be understood here relatively. Unlike all other crypto-currencies in the top 10, which saw their prices rise, the price in Bitcoin was to yield 0.26%. This means nothing more than the course continues its lateral movement pursued since the beginning of September. The MA50 moving average is still an insurmountable barrier, the MACD also moves laterally and the RSI is also at 50. In total, we arrive at a neutral Evaluation. As in the last week applies: wait. If the price falls below support at $ 6,152.76, we can think of a short position. The target would be $ 5,774.72 and the stop loss would be $ 6,262.39. If the price rises above the resistance $ 6,648.07 would offer a long position with a target at $ 7,100.96 and a loss overhang at $ 6,447.30.

Stability of the top 10

The elbow race between XRP and Ethereum is somewhat lax: it would take a 16% rally to challenge Ethereum in second place. The gap between the market capitalization of Stellar and that of EOS has been reduced to 8%. Cardano and Monero have managed to overtake Tether, but the fight for the last three places in the top 10 is not yet final. Only four per cent separates the market capitalization of Moneros and Tethers, and a seven per cent increase would raise Monero to Cardano. Tron is currently still 15% behind Tether, so a short rally separates Tron from last place in the top 10.

Winners and losers in falling prices

On average, all crypto-currencies have increased by almost seven percent. So, on average, all crypto-currencies work better than Bitcoin. The result is totally different for the top 100: here, the courses remained constant on average. With Basic Attention Token and Bitcoin Cash, there are two crypto-currencies that can show gains in excess of twenty percent. As noted above, in the case of Bitcoin Cash, the next Hard Fork will play a role, while for Basic Attention Tokens (BAT), the list on Coinbase Pro will be at the origin of the current gains. The loser of the week is Eternal Token with a loss of 21%. 56% of the 100 largest encrypted currencies had a lower yield than Bitcoin. Bitcoin's market share has remained constant, in line with the lateral trend, and currently stands at 53%.

Disclaimer: The price estimates shown on this page do not constitute buy or sell recommendations, but simply an evaluation of the badyst.

BTC-ECHO tabular data based on

Graph images based on data from and

USD / EUR price in effect at the time of publication: 0.88 euros.


About Dr. Philipp Giese

Dr. Philipp GieseDr. Philipp Giese works as Chief Analyst for BTC-ECHO and specializes in badysis and graphics technology. The physicist with a PhD can draw on many years of professional experience as a technology consultant. In addition, he is the central contact for BTC-ECHO's channel of contention and, as a speaker and interviewer, maintains exchanges with startups, developers and visionaries.

All articles by Dr. med. Philipp Giese

image sources

  • tageschart-bitcoin-cash-dollar-kw45: TradingView
  • tageschart-bitcoin-dollar-kw45: TradingView
  • pre-launch_262735259: Shutterstock

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