Amazon Prime Day: Kindle eBook Reader at a reduced price!


A Amazon in Delusion Delusion: From July 16 (12 noon) until July 17 (23:59 pm) takes place at the online retailer Prime Day 2018. There are many great bargains – there including Amazon's two eBook readers, the Kindle Paperwhite and the Kindle Oasis. Who orders the equipment now saves a lot of money!

Amazon Prime Day: These are the hottest deals

Solid eBook reader with good features: the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. [19659006] Amazon Kindle Paperwhite for 69.99 euros

The Amazon Paperwhite for 69.99 euros is a solid eBook reader with a very good display with backlighting, easy operation and flawless processing. The built-in memory already contains hundreds of digital books; Amazon Cloud lets you back up and sync ebooks for free. With popular eBook formats such as ePub, the Paperwhite but can not cope with, but relies on the Amazon's own eBook format. Who buys the Paperwhite now saves a huge 50 euros!

"On Prime Day: Order Amazon Kindle Paperwhite for 69.99 euros (from 12 hours)

The Kindle Oasis is currently the Amazon Kindle Oasis at a price of 179.99 $

The Amazon Kindle Oasis priced at $ 179.99 buys the best ebook readers in the online giant. The Oasis impresses above all with its noble and extravagant design as well as its high-resolution 7-Zoll display. The eBook reader can also be used as a "hearing aid": via Bluetooth, it transmits audible audiobooks to your headphones. Normal price: 229,99 Euro.

»On Prime Day: Order Amazon Kindle Oasis for 179.99 Euro (from 12 hours)

These Amazon Extra Services Are Now Cheap

Premium Members At No Additional Cost Enjoying" Prime Video "with many movies," Prime Music "with two million songs, free eBooks and magazines via" Prime Reading "and free games via" Twitch Prime ". Do you want more? "Amazon Music Unlimited" offers 50 million songs and costs Prime Daynur 99 cents for four months. Audible audio books are currently available for free for the first three months. Various "Amazon Prime Video Channels" are available for free for three months or for 99 cents per month. In addition: If you install the browser extension "Amazon Assistant" until July 23, you can request a voucher of 10 euros – If you are not yet a main customer, then quickly and free for 30 days Amazon Prime subscription.

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