Amazon wants to open two more seats – not just one


For a year now, Amazon has been looking for a location for its second seat. According to media reports, Seattle's technology and retail group now wants to open two new headquarters. A decision could be announced later this week.

Hundreds of Amazon distribution centers ship goods around the world. Another expedition center will open in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. (November 3, 2018). (Image: Chris Wattie / Reuters)

Hundreds of Amazon distribution centers ship goods around the world. Another expedition center will open in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. (November 3, 2018). (Image: Chris Wattie / Reuters)

(AP) / HDL. According to a newspaper article, Amazon would like to open two more seats, instead of just one. The resulting jobs and offices would be shared between the two sites in the new plan, wrote the "Wall Street Journal" Monday (local time), citing a private source. Thus, instead of 50,000 jobs in one city, 25,000 would be created in two. As a result, a decision could be made and announced this week. Amazon did not comment at first.

According to the report, the reason for the decision to open two additional seats is, first and foremost, the problem of lack of sufficiently qualified technical staff. In addition, it is to be feared that the planned expansion, which should involve a large influx of workers, could overwhelm a site and its infrastructure. Amazon announced in September 2017, in addition to the existing headquarters in Seattle, Washington, to open a second headquarters in North America.

As a result, 238 applications have been submitted to the American Internet giant. Among them were very creative campaigns – the boss of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, has procured a giant cactus from Tucson, Arizona, to New York and let the Empire State Building shine in "Amazon Orange" and Atlantas' suburb Stonecrest offered part of the city to "City of Amazon." In January, the company featured the 20 most promising candidates, including the New York metropolises, Chicago, Los Angeles and Toronto in Canada.

Mbadive tax cuts in sight

According to the Wall Street Journal, the selection process is now well advanced. It appears that Crystal City is located in the north of the state of Virginia, with an ideal location near Washington DC, the capital of the United States, as well as Texas Dallas and the metropolis of the east coast of New York. The New York Times reported Monday night (local time) that the New York area is Long Island City in the Queens District.

In addition to the jobs to be created directly, Amazon promises many additional employees and high investments. In return, the Group will benefit from mbadive tax rebates from the candidate sites.

While politicians like to be celebrated with great hype as a job seeker, experts see the practice as skeptical. Often, investments and jobs are bought expensive by taxpayer money and business promises are far from being kept. An alliance of action, made up of representatives from 21 Member States, therefore called on Bezos to make the selection procedure as transparent as possible.

There are also reservations about the urban changes that often accompany the arrival of large companies. For example, the influx of highly paid technicians can increase rents and the cost of living for the rest of the population. This phenomenon can be observed, for example, in the California Bay Area with the metropolis of San Francisco near the computer stronghold of Silicon Valley, but also at Amazon so far, its only headquarters in Seattle and in D & # 39; 39, other regions.

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