An Apple employee would have shared secrets



Apple works with the FBI against the theft of confidential business secrets.

(Photo: dpa)

Cupertino A former Apple engineer stole trade secrets and forwarded them to a Chinese start-up. Authorities arrested Xiaolang Zhang at the San Jose airport where he was planning to visit China – the FBI investigation. Zhang filed a notice of termination with Apple during his paternity leave in April and announced that he would accept a position with the Chinese company Xiaopeng Motors.

The data is supposed to be confidential self-driven documents downloaded by the former Apple employee, In the lawsuit against the engineer, the secret of the size of the research project of the company. Apple is revealed: 5,000 employees of the iPhone manufacturer work in the division, and about 2,700 of them have access to confidential information.

Up to now, although Apple has shown a general interest in the development of autonomous vehicles, no concrete information has yet reached the public.

The charges reveal that Zhang, as a developer at Apple, had access to confidential information about the company. The company became suspicious when Zhang was often in the internal networks and offices after her layoff and paternity leave, sometimes late in the evening. The developer confessed to the FBI that he had downloaded the information on his wife's laptop.

"Apple attaches great importance to privacy and respect for intellectual property," said Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr. "We are working with the authorities on this issue and are doing everything in our power to ensure that this person is held accountable for what she has done."

Apple has been working on autonomous technology technologies for about three years. The project, called "Project Titan" internally, has been significantly reduced in size. After development and management issues, Apple had already abandoned the development of its own electric car in 2016. Hundreds of developers have left the company. The company is only looking for software and sensors for autonomous cars

The incident is not the first of its kind: the charges against Zhang are similar to the recent Waymo lawsuit against Uber and the Engineer Anthony Levandowski. He is also accused of having shared the secrets of the Google subsidiary to Uber. Suspicion, however, could not be confirmed.

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