An experienced filmmaker from Thielemann


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07/11/18 The decision was already known. The question is finally closed: at the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Salzburg Easter Festival GmbH yesterday (6h11), Nikolaus Bachler was appointed as the new Managing Director on 1 July 2020.

Born in Styria, he directed the Wiener Festwochen from 1991 to 1996, the Volksoper Vienna from 1996 to 1999 and the Burgtheater from 1999 to 2008. He has been at the head of the Bavarian National Opera since 2008. There ends his term as director with the season 2020/2021. He badumes the commercial management of the Easter festival in the summer of 2020 (in preparation for the 2021 festival), but the 2022 season, he bears the overall artistic responsibility of the Easter festival in Salzburg.

Nikolaus Bachler will present his projects to the media at a press conference in Salzburg in mid-December. In any case, Christian Thielemann and the Saxon Staatskapelle Dresden continue to form the artistic foundation of the Salzburg Easter Festival.

An extraordinary meeting of the Supervisory Board was held prior to the annual general meeting yesterday. Artistic director Christian Thielemann and director of the orchestra, Jan Nast, and orchestra board member Annett Baumann also represented the Staatsorchester Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden. "With Nikolaus Bachler, Thielemann and the Staatskapelle have a strong partner by their side to lead the festival in the next decade and develop it further," says the press release on the order of Bachler. (Landes correspondence)

Image: Wikipedia / Louisa Dedalus
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