Analysts: China's cryptocurrency potentially larger than Bitcoin


  Central Bank: View of the headquarters of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) in Beijing. (Photo: dpa)

According to badysts, the People's Bank of China plans its own cryptocurrency. (Photo: dpa)

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Analysts: the Chinese cryptocurrency potentially bigger than Bitcoin

The experts of the British group IG Group think that despite Chinese efforts to ban something, they are still very enthusiasts

"In a move that seems to contradict the Bitcoin ban, the Chinese Central Bank (PBoC) is pursuing plans to create its own official digital currency," the study says.

Group, that up to now there is no official announcement of China. In fact, it is generally believed that the communist government is considering its own version of a cryptocurrency sponsored by the state. If this is the case, badysts predict that Chinese cryptocurrency could be more important than Bitcoin.

The Chinese cryptocurrency would probably be introduced alongside the main currency, the yuan, with the intention of serving millions of citizens. who do not have access to the usual banking services.

"The PBoC's vision for its own cryptocurrency is based on the takeover of the financial sector.The central bank argued that, without government control, cryptocurrency could become a tool for drug traffickers and the terrorists.

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Korea wants tax breaks on crypto exchanges

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  • A review of the current tax code announced Monday by the South Korean government would change the crypto of the category of start-ups Not including medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who can apply for a tax rebate of up to 39%. 100%.
  • According to the tax legislation in force, start-ups and SMEs can deduct 50 to 100% of their income tax in the first five years after their creation. or corporate income tax Gibraltar United is the first football club to pay players in crypto currency

    • Gibraltar United, a Premier Division football team, will be the first football team to pay their players in cryptocurrency next season
    • The team owner Pablo Dana, who has invested in Quantocoin, provides a platform for cryptocurrencies for everyday use.
    • Dana said that Gibraltar United wanted to bring more transparency to football, believing it to be one of a kind. Technology Will Reduce Corruption of Sport

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