Apple CEO Tim Cook introduces the new Macbook Air, Mac Mini and iPad Pro


ein the new Macbook Air, a new Mac Mini – The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, unveiled Tuesday in New York devices that some of its engineers have neglected for years. Apple now takes into account what fans have been asking for years: the new Mac Mini Desktop Calculator is faster than some workstations, the Macbook Air is both lighter and faster than many PC Ultrabooks.

But the most important hardware innovation of the time is the new iPad Pro: Apple has completely redesigned the case and, as for the latest iPhones, has removed the home button. For this, new devices can now also be unlocked by facial recognition.

Engineers use the space gained in the case to create a new 11-inch screen, which better fills the front. If you still need screen, the iPad Pro can also buy with a 12.9-inch screen. The new homes have a thickness of just over five millimeters and are therefore much easier to carry than their predecessors.

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Under the hood is a new chip "A12X" with eight cores of processors developed by Apple, which should be faster than competing Intel Core i7 Mobile processors. In addition, the graphics chip counts up to a thousand times faster than in the predecessor and thus allows to achieve the same graphics performance as the current game consoles.

Apple wants to use this computing power especially for tasks requiring artificial intelligence. These include automatic image processing using intelligent algorithms or "augmented reality" applications, in which applications display virtual images of the environment. in the form of real time records. The updated "Apple Pencil" screen pen is magnetically connected to the iPad Pro and will be wirelessly charged.

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In the long run, charging connector transformation is more relevant: for the first time with an iOS device, Apple gives up its own Lightning connector and instead uses the universal USB-C format. Apple not only opens the device to the accessories of other manufacturers, but also allows easy connection to large PC screens. The Apple device will replace the laptop a bit more. It is even possible to charge an iPhone via the battery connection of the iPad Pro.

In the medium term, the new iPad Pro could become the pioneer of all iOS devices. The Lightning connector, linked to the manufacturer, would thus migrate to the scraps of the history of technology, Apple would finally open its mobile devices for a generally accepted cable standard.

Macbook Air: the battery should last twelve hours

With the new Macbook, Apple is giving its most popular notebook form factor a complete overhaul. If you're looking for a particularly lightweight and portable Apple notebook, you're in the right place: the new 13.1-inch 2560 x 1600-pixel display offers much better resolution and color reproduction than its predecessor. The device is on par with the MacBook Pro, more expensive.

As a security feature, Apple does not rely on facial recognition, but on conventional fingerprint recognition, and adds a security chip to protect the hard drive from the laptop against manipulation attempts and hacker attacks. This is not only interesting for commercial customers, but also protects against clbadic blackmail viruses.

Note the hardware specifications: an Intel Core i5 processor, up to 1.5 terabytes of SSD memory and 16 GB of RAM are integrated. Thus, performance is also quite easy for memory intensive applications, such as video editing. If you need more processing power for rendering tasks, you can connect an external graphics card via USB-C. The device is designed to last up to twelve hours with a single charge and is also slightly lighter than its predecessor.

Mac Mini: basic version with eight GB of RAM

The Apple computer that fans have been waiting for a long time is the new Mac Mini. Apple has updated its miniature PC in 2014. With the new model in space gray aluminum Macs professionals, the company clearly targets its customers, who purchase the devices in large quantities.

The calculator is fast enough for video editing, editing images or tasks on the workstation. The peripherals are equipped with four- and six-core processors and up to 64 GB of two terabyte hard disk RAM and 10 gigabit network ports. They are predestined for networks of large companies or small creative studios with high hardware requirements. You can use them on a conventional PC screen or on a TV.

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The Mac Mini is the cheapest version with the Apple MacOS X operating system in the current version of Mojave from September 2018. With a price of $ 799 for the core version with Core I3 processor and eight gigabytes of memory , the device remains accessible even for modest users. As cheap as 2014, when the price was 519 euros, but no longer.

Even for customers who do not wish to buy a new Apple device, the group has already come up with some innovations: this includes a slightly modified version of the iOS mobile operating system. In version 12.1, Apple's video telephony application, Facetime, now handles group calls with motion pictures.

For buyers of the new Xs and Xs Max iPhones and the newly launched Xr, Apple also offers support for two SIM cards with iOS 12.1: the second SIM card does not have to be physically connected to the phone as eSIM . filed as digital information on the phone. The user only needs to enter a code for this. The second SIM card can be used for a cheap data plan abroad.

In addition, iOS 12.1 unlocks a new feature of the camera: portrait mode is boring, future users can decide for themselves how much blur the iPhone with the help of data from the second camera in the portrait is taken into account.

These Bluetooth headphones sound better

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In-ear headphones connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth are in fashion. But what's its good, do not disturb the seat next door and convince wearing comfort? The Stiftung Warentest examined 18 models.

Source: WORLD / Marie Przibylla

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