Apple MacBook Pro: NextGen laptop only waits in the freezer quickly


The newer processors of the latest generation of MacBook Pro bring bad news to Apple. Last week, technology giants in New York showed computers with Intel's new Core i7 and Core i9 processors. But customers and testers complain of a huge overheating – just in the top model with the Core i9 processor.

First, Tech-Creator Dave Lee noted that the calculator cost more than 3600 euros. The new MacBook Pro has performed its performance tests even more slowly than the previous year's model. And customers have to pay 300 euros more for this.

In his video, Lee shows that the i9 processor in the new MacBook is expecting much slower than expected by the Intel chip maker. According to Intel, should be at least 2.9 gigahertz (Ghz) ​​chip frequency. However, in the endurance test, the new MacBook sometimes only runs at 2.2 Ghz and thus makes videos much slower than much cheaper Windows devices. Apparently, Californians have forgotten that the i9 chip produces much more heat lost than the i7. Among them, computing power suffers accordingly.

The laptop works in the ice compartment

The Apple Insider tests also indicate a chip temperature of up to 100 degrees. After that, a built-in Intel protection function – so as not to melt, the chip slows down and reduces the clock frequency. The chip is hotter than the 45 watts specified by Intel – and thus overwhelmed the cooling system of Apple. This proves to YouTuber Lee strongly in his video. For when he puts the laptop in the cooler of his refrigerator, the computer waits a lot faster than before.

Up to now, Apple has not responded publicly to the problem. At the request of the "world", a spokesman said that the new MacBook Pro remains "currently available to order". The experts at Apple Insider have found a solution for the heat problem. With third-party software, MacBook users can increase the speed of the fan and improve the cooling of their expensive laptop, but they must support a much higher noise level.

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