Apple Music exceeds Spotify in the United States



Competition in the streaming market is intensifying. Although Spotify continues to dominate the global market, Apple Music has just surpbaded the Swedes in the United States

[194559006] Ingrid Meissl Årebo, Stockholm

  Apple is also on the Spotify American market path on the heels. (Photo: Mike Segar / Reuters)

Apple is also on the heels of Spotify. (Image: Mike Segar / Reuters)

The Canadian rapper Drake was expected to break all records. His new album "Scorpion" was aired on the second and last day of June as often as no album before. In Spotify and Apple Music only, songs have been recalled 300 million times in less than 24 hours.

At Spotify, jubilation about record numbers may have been short-lived. The 130 million flows of the Swedish market leader have been significantly outperformed by the American competitor Apple Music: its 45 million subscribers and 5 to 10 million free users have broadcast 170 million "Scorpion" and are so much more active than the 170 million. Spotify users. The fact that Spotify has heavily promoted Drake's new album has not helped much – on the contrary, Swedes have upset many of their 75 million subscribers who are paying for an ad-free service.

Apple is also hot on the heels of the US market, where the two rivals each have 20 million subscribers. As reported "Digital Music News", Apple would have recently surpbaded the Swedes. This gap should also increase rapidly, with Americans succeeding in their home market at 5% but more than twice as strong as Spotify.

This is bad news for the pioneer of Swedish streaming. After the IPO of New York in April, the pressure has increased to finally show profits after ten years, without losing the pace of growth. The potential is there. Hopes are on a new "lighter" application that minimizes the amount of data and storage in the mobile phone, making it suitable for users in the poorest countries. The application is currently in the testing phase. There is also speculation about plans to launch a physical product. Spotify is currently looking for product designers in the hardware sector.

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