Apple Pacts with a German Fund Provider | Company | 07/13/2018


DWS prestige contract: The listed fund company takes management of a fund of technology giant Apple. This was announced by both companies. The iPhone maker has set up a closed-end investment fund that invests in clean and renewable energy projects in China.

In addition to Apple, ten of the Group's suppliers also participate in the sustainable development fund. DWS will also invest in the fund, the statement said. Together, they will spend $ 300 million over the next four years in the Chinese Fund for Clean Energy. This should create power stations providing a power of one gigawatt of electricity

Build a clean supply chain
The maker of smartphones and tablets wants to make its production more sustainable . Many Apple products are badembled in China. However, suppliers often find it difficult to source electricity from renewable sources, the statement said. The fund must now remedy this situation.

The Sustainable Investments team of the Deutsche Bank DWS subsidiary takes over the management of the China Clean Energy Fund. The group is part of the alternative investments sector and focuses on medium and long-term, untested investments in equities and debt, depending on the provider.

The range of sustainable and social impact funds now includes energy, employment and education, housing and microfinance. DWS itself is gradually realigning more and more portfolios in its range according to sustainable criteria. [ad_2]
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