Apple Pay tomorrow? | AirPods upscale rumors | Diary: Lukas Bans Apple Watch – Gossip With Apple 68


The number 68 of Apfelplausch is here. And it is not only far too late on the air, but also packed like no other. Today, we have six topics that we discuss only the most exciting. The length remains the same. The entertainment value and the information for you are increasing. Good listening!

The Apfelplausch 68 is one of the most complete episodes for a long time:

  • 0:00:00: Intro
  • 0:01:20: Earpiece Subscriptions: Apple Support Experience and More
  • 0:15:00: Details Apple Pay + iPhone Exchange Program X
  • 0:21:20: iPad Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Mini: Reader Survey Results, Evaluations, and Practical Tips
  • 00: 45: 40: Lukas Experience: Exchange your Apple Watch after 3 years for a normal watch. First experiences
  • 0:52:40: High-end headphones + high-end AirPod: new patents, rumors and wishes
  • 1:08:30: Samsung Foldable Smartphone

Apple Talk on Twitter and Instagram

You want to get in touch with us? Cool, we can not wait to see you on Twitter and Instagram!

Listen to an apple cat

Juhu, we are on Spotify now! Krbad?

Talk to Lukas and Roman

We write regularly with our listeners. Write to us once too:

  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • comments: App, Website, Podcast Portals
  • twitter: # Apple fun or accounts novel and Lukas
  • ITunes Reviews
  • Social media Canned apple jam

And that's all of us. We wish you a good conversation while listening!

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