Apple promises enlightenment: students had to assemble watches


Once again, there are unsightly reports about working conditions at an Apple product provider. When badembling the watch Apple Watch must be used illegally student trainees. Apple reacts immediately and promises a complete education.

Human rights activists speak to Watch Factory trainees

With regard to working conditions in production, there are also serious violations in the information technology sector. Because of repeated negative titles, Apple has made in recent years, according to its own statement, provide here a tighter control for better conditions among producers. As Heise writes, the company now faces a new case of illegal employment at a supplier.
Tim Cook visits FoxconnApple boss, Tim Cook, wants to show his commitment with factory tours
According to human rights activists, Quanta's Apple Watch production would have involved students between the ages of 16 and 19, who had been officially employed by the company as part of an "internship" ". The Sacom labor law organization (students and academics against corporate misconduct) collected information from interviews with 28 students.

As the students reported to the organization, they were used for "robotic-type activities" resulting from the production of the Apple Watch. A link with effective education has therefore not been established during employment in the company. Another problem: the respondents said that they had to work overtime and night shifts – this is prohibited by Chinese labor law for trainees.

Apple wants to react with the "zero tolerance"

As Apple tells CNN in a first opinion, the company will start with strong pressure to investigate the allegations. However, the Group emphasizes that the corresponding Quanta factory was last reviewed in the spring and that no student trainee was involved in the production. Should there be violations of labor law, but you will grant them immediately.

Apple, Apple Watch, Apple Watch 2, Apple Watch Series 2, Watchos 3.1.1

Apple, Apple Watch, Apple Watch 2, Apple Watch Series 2, Watchos 3.1.1
Reddit / jayt_94

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