Apple will present its new iPad and MacBooks in October 2018


Shortly after the release of specific information on six new iPad, Apple announced a new presentation of the novelty. In this context, modernized Macbooks are expected in addition to the new tablets. the Event on October 30 is not in California, but in New York, as announced by the American company. As usual, Apple has not commented on what is being presented. The presentation takes place under the slogan "There is still a lot to do". Rightly, Apple has designed many cool custom logos.

>>> Read: Apple brings six new iPad

iPad Pro with face ID

According to the latest rumors, the entire program of the iPad model needs to be updated. The highlight will be the new iPad Pro – the most expensive and powerful version of the tablet. As for the iPhone XS (Max) and the iPhone XR, the screen margins will be very thin and the screen will fill virtually the entire front. As a result, FaceID facial recognition is expected to also replace the previous fingerprint sensor on the first iPad.

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In modernized laptops, the new variant of the Macbook Air should arouse the greatest interest. According to market experts, it is the Apple laptop that sells the most, but it is technically behind other models (especially Pro versions). This should change a bit with the new generation. On the relatively cheap price Apple ratios, however, should not do anything. With refurbished iPads and laptops, Apple could prepare for an even more profitable holiday season, after the company introduced its new iPhone models as usual in September.

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