ARD-Dauerbrenner & Lindenstraße & # 39; no longer available


The television series "Lindenstraße" ends after 34 years. The ARD television program conference had the majority against an extension of the production contract decided, announced the West German Broadcasting (WDR) on Friday, November 16, in Cologne with. The last episode will take place in March 2020.

Statement by the program director

Volker Herres, Program Director First German Television: "The ARD TV program conference did not make this decision easy.The Lindenstraße is a German television icon that has been with us for decades. history and development of our republic.His emphasis has been on influential – a merit of committed and pbadionate decision makers.But we must say it soberly and regretfully: the public interest and our inevitable austerity are incompatible with the production costs of a series of such quality. "Hans W. Geißendörfer, the father of" Lindenstraße ", wrote the history of television.He and his successor Hana Geißendörfer and all the contributors are respected and thanked, and that's not all: we promise all fans and loyal fans until 2020 many interesting episodes and a brilliant final. "

Jörg Schönenborn, director of WDR television:

"My special thanks to the series' inventor, Hans W. Geißendörfer, to his successor, Hana Geißendörfer, to the ensemble and to the entire team – and finally to the loyal audience of the & # 39; Lindenstraße – for more than 30 years Although goodbyes hurt, all participants can be very proud, because with the "Lindenstraße", they realized that no other series German has managed to: map the major social and political issues at the heart of people's daily lives for generations We are grateful to the ARD community for supporting Lindenstraße & # 39; for decades and regret not seeing any way to continue the series.At the same time, we understand that the economic conditions of the ARD have changed and that productions must be reevaluated. "

Since its launch on December 8, 1985, the weekly series "Lindenstraße" tells fates and stories about life in West Germany and all over Germany. With its constellation of characters, it literally reflects the diversity of social life and its development. Time and time again, the series tells provocative stories that stimulate discussion and have often caused a sensation. The "Lindenstraße" has evolved and has continually developed over the decades. With a wide range of social media and events such as "Lindenstraße meets Funkhausorchester", in which the orchestra of WDR radio recorded the music of the film live in front of an audience in the large broadcast hall of the WDR, public engagement has been accelerated.

Mars is finished

Until March 2020, viewers will be able to follow the stories of Straßen Linden.

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