Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer's disease ten years before the epidemic


Alzheimer's disease is a treacherous and incurable disease. Researchers now want to use artificial intelligence to detect early signs up to ten years earlier.

Researchers at the University of Bari (Italy) have apparently discovered a new way to use artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, reports New Scientist. Early detection can delay the effects of the disease, doctors hope.

An algorithm detects small structural changes in the brain. These are caused by the disease. The AI ​​manages to recognize these ten years before the appearance of the first symptoms (memory disorder, speech loss).

The researchers have the computer according to the report with 67 MRT scans form. 32 came from people with Alzheimer's, 29 from healthy volunteers. They were provided by a database from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. In a second round, those with more pictures of MRT scans eat.

Success rate of 86 and 84%

Result: The AI ​​was able to differentiate a healthy person from a person with Alzheimer's disease with an accuracy of 86%. The first signs showed that it was correct at 84%.

According to the researchers, the AI ​​could even detect the disease even sooner, but additional tests are needed.

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