As it stands now for the marketing of influence


Mr. John, up to now, it has always been said: Influence marketing is still in its infancy, but is becoming professional. Are we now one step further? I think we even have one or two steps in advance. Influence marketing has become a standard media mix for brands. Not all, but at least many big, well-established brands – and of course start-ups. In the meantime, many companies even have their own department and plan fixed budgets. In addition, advertisers pay much more attention to facts such as dedication and not just big names and their reach. Professionalisation is already there. Of course, there are still not as many standards as other mainstream media. For example, there are still very different prices and approaches to how brands work with influencers.

In your opinion, what is the largest construction site currently in the discipline? The exaggerated tendencies in the advertising label are dangerous. Because of the Abmahnwelle currently mark everything. Even friends in the mail. I am a member of the Federal Association of Marketing of Influence. We are looking for a good solution to make advertising and non-advertising really transparent.

The labeling debate has dominated the world of influencers for some time now – does the shoe continue to grow elsewhere? Yes. In the area of ​​partnerships, he is particularly interested in small and medium-sized influencers, how they can sell and get cooperation – without resorting to agencies. In addition, influencers need to find a way to stay relevant. On one side, there is the technical challenge of overcoming the algorithm – but also a creative challenge. How to always find new content and ideas?

"I can not expect that a micro-influent has the same effect as a superior influencer."

Philipp John, Reachhero

In addition, more and more influencers are emerging from the ground. Micro-influencers with relatively few followers are already interesting for companies. Is it worthwhile to cooperate with them? In my opinion, coverage is still very important and essential. While at Reachhero, we are very badytical about influencer selection and pay close attention to engagement rate, subscriber quality – inactive or active – and concordance of content between customer product and displays. of the influencer. Micro-influencers are excellent because they have a very high engagement rate. But I still can not necessarily expect that a micro-influencer gets the same effect as an influential top counting many followers. This would require working with a relevant number of micro-influencers to get the same range.

Is it a choice or a decision? Do many micro-influencers become involved or become a social media star? We had excellent experiences with the mix of micro and macro influencers. On the one hand, it is advantageous to use a few flagship influencers who have their own brand, which further strengthens the customer's brand. We generate a basic reach and get very professional content. With many other small influencers, you have more test options and can work with 20, 30, 40, 50 of them. These people generate valuable content that can be recycled and recovered.

"When banks or insurance companies work with influencers, it's about educating people about it and creating a climate of trust. It is unlikely that they will take out a loan or open an account the next day. "

Philipp John, Reachhero

Nevertheless, the measurability of influence marketing is repeatedly criticized. What do you say to critics? I think you have to look at your achievements in the long run – not just online. When it comes to beauty, we do not usually sell a lot on the internet, but fans go to pharmacies and buy their products in paper mills. Still others do not buy directly through a co-operative link, which shares their influence, but only search on Google. You can follow this very badly. We must therefore consider a period of time. In the cases described, the influence marketing pays the sale. However, when banks or insurance companies work with influential people, it's more about involving people and building trust. It is unlikely that viewers and fans will borrow or open an account the next day. What should not be forgotten in the criticism of principle: the social paid and the influencer are the cheapest way in comparison to attract attention.

… However, advertisers and influencers rarely talk about money. And you I have no problem with that. Marketing influence is expected in the TKP. On Youtube, the price is between 50 and 100 euros for 1,000 views. On Instagram, you can usually expect between 7 and 14 euros to 1,000 followers.

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