Assassin's costume: that's how Rafinha explains it


This costume went back. Bayern stars celebrated Wednesday a halloween party in Munich's "Enter the Dragon" nightclub. In a group photo of footballers, a player stands out particularly. Rafinha caused a sensation in Sheikh's costume. It's disguised as a bomber and boxed "warning."

Bayern put the picture on their social networks and no one seemed to notice that the show could be considered tasteless. But after a first review, they deleted the photos. But some users have been faster and have already downloaded the images.


Rafinha's is ultimately justified in hindsight for choosing the costume on Twitter: "Halloween is a scary festival with exaggerated costumes, I did not have the intention of getting angry somebody through my disguise or make him feel sick. "

Halloween is a scary party with exaggerated costumes, it's not my intention to upset anyone through my disguise or hurt anyone's feelings.

– Official Rafinha (@ R13_official) November 1, 2018

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