Attempted recovery after US stock market crash, Dow Jones down


New York (APA) – The New York Stock Exchange ended its recovery attempt on Monday and lost its majority. The clues focused on reports that the United States could develop other punitive tariffs on Chinese products. Wall Street is therefore facing a bright red monthly balance. Already in the previous week, clbades were very fast.

Around 19:20, the Dow Jones lost 24,729 points, down 58.70 points, or 0.24%, after posting 350 points early in the session. Last week, the world's most famous index had lost 3% in value. The S & P 500 index was 1.72 points, or 0.06%, slightly higher than 2,660.41 points. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 50.33 points, or 0.70%, to 7,116.88 units.

Sales pressure comes mainly from the technology sector. The Amazonian newspapers gave an incredible 5.1%. The Netflix share fell 3.9%.

By cons, it was up with the shares of banks. In the Dow, Goldman Sachs gained 1.7% and JPMorgan 2.6%.

IBM has also examined the situation with a spectacular takeover: the computer veteran wants to get a bigger share of IT spending companies and swallow Linux Linux Red Hat specialist. With a total of $ 34 billion, this acquisition would be the largest in the history of IBM. Red Hat's software is used, among other things, for the operation of cloud applications. IBM shares responded with a 3.5% cut, while the Red Hat stock jumped nearly 45%.

Ford's papers have accelerated by four percent. Goldman Sachs had recommended the purchase of shares of the automaker. The new models should allow the return of earnings growth, badysts said.

~ ISIN US2605661048 US6311011026 US78378X1072 ~ APA456 2018-10-29 / 19: 30

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