Attempted Viagra aborted because of eleven dead babies


Viagra experiments on pregnant women lead to infant death

Researchers in the Netherlands have now stopped their current study of Viagra because of the deaths of 11 babies badociated with the drug.

In a recent study, doctors gave pregnant women the active ingredient Sildenafil. This Viagra medication should act as a kind of growth promoter. Unfortunately, there were serious complications that led to the death of eleven babies.

Viagra helps with power problems, but if given to mothers during pregnancy, it can contribute to the baby's death. (Photo: Soru Epotok /

What causes Viagra?

The study involved pregnant women whose maternal placenta was underdeveloped and who had a high likelihood of premature delivery, the drug Sildenafil administered The brand name Viagra is known. Viagra is a well-known remedy for erectile dysfunction in men, which dilates their blood vessels. The drug is also prescribed to treat high blood pressure, experts say.

Viagra should promote blood circulation in the placenta

Current research has shown that Viagra improves blood flow in the placenta and increases placental growth. Promote the child, explain the scientists. This hypothesis has been supported by experimental studies in laboratory rats.

More than 180 pregnant women participated in the study

The study was conducted in ten hospitals in the Netherlands. The subjects consisted of 93 pregnant women who received Viagra and a control group of 90 pregnant women. Participants in the control group received a single placebo. However, the survey had to be stopped after an independent committee found that more babies of mothers adopting Viagra suffered from lung problems after birth than babies born to mothers who had received only a placebo. Of the babies in the Viagra group, 17 had lung problems after birth. Eleven of these babies died later in the study, say the doctors. In comparison, only three babies in the control group developed lung problems and all affected babies survived, reports The Guardian.

Another study found no particular risk

The study began in 2015 and was expected to continue until 2020. Another study on Viagra as a drug promoting Growth in the unborn child was published in 2017. However, this study did not provide convincing evidence of efficacy nor presented risks to patients, experts say. Similar studies on the effects of Viagra in pregnant women have been conducted in the United Kingdom by the University of Liverpool and the University of Auckland. However, the results of these studies were inconclusive.

Effects of Ingestion

Researchers hypothesize that the drug causes high blood pressure in the lungs. This has probably led to low oxygen levels in deceased babies. In a statement from Dutch doctors, it has been said that sildenafil could be harmful to the baby even after birth. The likelihood of a disease of the blood vessels in the lungs appears to be greater, and the likelihood of death after birth also appears to have increased, according to the researchers.

It can be badumed that an external investigation is open

Research should be completed by 2020, if it continues properly, doctors are more likely to open an external investigation. (As)

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