ATX adds 0.64 percent to "


The Vienna Stock Exchange ended trading on Thursday in the profit zone. The ATX rose 20.93 points or 0.64% to 3,273.06 units

The European environment was also in the green zone. By way of comparison, the main stock market indices at 5.30 pm: Dow Jones / New York + 0.68%, DAX / Frankfurt + 0.61%, FTSE / London + 0.78% and CAC -40 / Paris +0.93 %. 19659003] Markets were initially driven by good specifications from Asia. In addition, the commitment of US President Donald Trump to the NATO Alliance ensured peace in the market. By the middle of the week, the growing trade dispute between the United States and China had made a lot of noise. But also on the data side, there were positive elements to report: Thus, industrial production in the euro area tightened in May.

Voestalpine slips

In Vienna, among others OMV (plus 2.39%) and Verbund (plus 2, 45 percent). Raiffeisen (up 1.82%) and BAWAG (up 1.23%) were also up. At Erste Group, the price increase was more modest, + 0.23%

In contrast, voestalpine shares fell by 3.35% to 369.49 €, placing them last on the Stock Exchange of Vienna. Due to the illegal fixing of prices and the exchange of sensitive information, the German Federal Cartel Office imposed a fine of about 205 million euros on six companies of stainless steel, an industry badociation and ten responsible people. Voestalpine served as a witness and remains unpunished.

Numbers came this morning from Agrana. Due to lower sugar prices and isoglucose after the end of the sugar market quota, the company's fruits, starch and sugar reduced its consolidated net profit by 25.3 million euros to first quarter of 2018/19 compared to the same quarter of the previous year. For the full year, the company expects a consolidated turnover at the previous year level and an operating profit (EBIT) "sharply down". Shares closed up 1.62% to 87.80 euros.


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