AUA carries significantly more passengers «


Austrian Airlines was up in the first half of this year, recording a significant increase in pbadenger numbers and better capacity utilization. The number of pbadengers carried increased in the first six months from 9.8% to 6.4 million, according to figures from the German parent company Lufthansa today, Tuesday, at the exit of the airport .

4 million pbadengers (plus 10.1%). "Our additional B777 increased the number of pbadengers in June," said Andreas Otto, member of the Executive Board and CCO by mail

The use of red-white-red flights – measured by occupation seats – has improved 2.3 points in the first half to 75.8 percent. In June, it reached 81.5% compared to the same month of the previous year (plus 3.1 percentage points). The supply – measured in seat-kilometers (ASK) – was increased in the first six months of 4.9 percent to 12.9 billion, the kilometers of seats sold climbed 8.1 percent to 9 , 8 billion. The month of June was much stronger with 2.7 billion (+ 7.7%) and 2.2 billion seat-kilometers sold (+ 11.9%).

The number of AUA flights increased from 5.5 in the first half to more than 72,000 percent. In June, the increase was 6 percent to 13,979.


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