Austria appreciates the premiere of the stadium «


After the disputed 2: 1 (1: 1) victory in the Bundesliga against Wacker Innsbruck, the Austria Vienna relief is palpable. "You never know where you stand before the start, we really wanted the win, but we will not overvalorize it," said captain Alexander Grünwald. The Tyrolese cried a point but also took some positive points.

"We really integrated the game, we did everything we planned to do," said defender Michael Schimpelsberger, impressed by his own performance. The climber was a bit surprising, but not undeserved in the head of the 19th minute. "After that, unfortunately, we stopped playing football, which is very bitter, because today it was much more possible," said the 27-year-old in the stride. .

His teammate and scorer at 1-0, Zlatko Dedic hit the same score. "We have to stay focused, the next game is waiting, I am always happy when I score a goal, but today I am very disappointed, it would have been much better if we had taken something."

Real home advantage [19659005] For the Viennese, after the successful competitive start in the redeveloped farm, satisfaction was no less due to the "exceptional" atmosphere in the ranks. "We know we are responsible for the atmosphere," said Michael Madl, who took advantage of the real advantage of the house. "Today, we have a little something to give back." With 13,155 spectators, the league stadium had almost twice as many spectators as last year in the Happel-Ovale (6,795).

The honor of the first meeting Austria in the new Arena Generali booked with Grünwald the best actor of the evening. In retrospect, it's of course, I've been here for quite some time and I know the stadium, as it once was, "said the 29-year-old, who was a particular eulogy of Coach Thomas . Letsch received. "How Alex left the front was very good, not just because of the compensation."

There was no doubt about the winner in the purple camp. "I have to honestly say that after losing 1-0, I did not feel we were going to lose the game, we knew we were the best team," said Madl after the successful catch-up, the new signature of Alon Turgeman. Grünwald-Assist made it perfect with the winner in the 52nd minute

Detailed Work

It was clear to the responsible people that all was not yet futile. For example, Letsch criticized the lack of protection after the goal of opening. "I would have hoped for more scale in the game." The German admitted to being – at least partially – surprised by the guests. "We had problems getting access, our bill, where we would have rooms, it did not work," he praised the guests' orientation.

Coach Karl Daxbacher was also pleased with this. "It was good how we put the game plan into action, it was an optimal gameplay for us, so maybe we have changed our management too much," said Daxbacher, who saw the greater difference in the individual technical errors of his players. 19659003] The negative climax of Innsbruck's point of view was the injury of goalkeeper Christopher Knett. The caretaker snuck past after the guests had already changed three times. Field player Dominik Baumann had to intervene in the final minutes. An investigation on (Saturday) (today) should clarify the degree of injury.


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