Austria celebrated a comeback, but remained against BVB Goalless'


Austria celebrated its return to Vienna's favorites on Friday night. Borussia Dortmund is presented as a guest of honor at the opening of the new Arena Generali

21:39, 13 July 2018

Austria W. AG-Vst. Markus Kraetschmer, Geschf. BVB Hans-Joachim Watzke, Austria President Wolfgang Katzian and sponsors © (c) APA / HANS PUNZ

17,000 visitors reported Austria, some seats remained in the game previously sold as empty sold out. Point 18:37 clock was cut, the famous group, which opened at 42% at least half completely new land stamped Arena of the Bundesliga. Purple legends, like club leaders, had already begun to climb when they were in the mood.

"If I look around today and think of something unbelievable," Herbert Prohaska says. The club 's icon recalled the two years without mood in the alternative Happel Stadium: "It took longer, but now it' s done, I'm happy. President Wolfgang Katzian joined. "We are very, very happy, we are two years behind us."

The former teammate of Prohaska Ernst Baumeister was also happy. "I hope that Austria will be able to join some old success, except of course against us," joked the head coach of the Admira team. In the league Baumeister invited to Südstadt in mid-August again in the favorites. The first home game of the new season, Austria denies in two weeks against Wacker Innsbruck.

After months, "Finally z" Haus "was desired by Violett, it was finally time. Choreographically stressed, it was the impetus. After that, one could guess how Austria intends to present itself in the future. With Bright Edomwonyi Alon Turgeman Uros Matic Igor and Thomas Ebner left the coach Thomas Letsch begins five new . In the midfield, Austria played with a diamond, in front of the new storm Edomwonyi / Turgeman

Dortmund came out without his World Cup starters, but at least with actors such as Mario Götze Andre Schürrle Christian Pulisic and Marcel Schmelzer in Austria. The Austrian club, accompanied by 800 supporters, is only Monday at the training, Austria denies its first match next week in the ÖFB Cup, but the eight best champions of the tournament. Germany, the 18-year-old Swedish talent Alexander Isak defeated the busy goalkeeper of Austria Patrick Pentz six minutes before the break. Ebner was already missing in Austria, who had to leave the field after fifteen minutes. Since James Jeggo has been injured for about three months and Tarkan Serbest flirts with a change in Turkey, he could become tight in the central defensive midfield.

Austria had against Dortmund Set in the first half of the game two chances. Edomwonyi tried it from a good position but with too much power (30.), then Turgeman gushed a cross pbad from Dortmund but failed to keep Marvin Hitz (44). Hitz remained as the only guest actor after the break on the lawn. Austria also changed during the second half of the match. Tor no longer followed the Letsch Elf. Nevertheless, the streamers whistled at the end.

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