Austria tests defenders of world champion country – football


Austria of Vienna must give up months on James Jeggo (tear of Syndesmosebandes), Christoph Martschinko (new surgery for healing after cruciate ligament surgery), Max Sax (medullary edema on the right fibula) and Petar Gluhakovic (tearing of the cruciate ligament).

Opening of the Generali Arena

The Violettes have a close eye on the transfer market, this week there is already a test player from the country of the World Champion France. Left-back Louis Nganioni can try in Vienna's favorites.

"Due to Christoph Martschinko's long-time defeat, we still see an opportunity to make a difference, even though we have already recruited a player from our own team with Jan Gbadmann of Young Violets in the team. Outer to the market, Louis has been in our circle of candidates for some time, now we want to take a closer look at his training, "says Ralf Muhr, Technical Director.

The Business Card Nganioni knows how to impress.The 23-year-old athlete was trained at the Olympique de Lyon and was up to the France U20 team.More recently, he was rewarded in Brest , currently there is no club.

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(Sports Today)

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