Austrian Airlines expands its route network


  Austrian Airlines reorganizes the network and eliminates the flights due to lack of efficiency
Austrian Airlines reorganizes the network and eliminates flights due to lack of profitability

Good and bad news from Austria: Austrian Airlines clears network and increases frequencies Non-economic connections are removed from the offer. There are more flights to New York, Chicago and Beijing. During the conversion, uneconomic connections are made from the end of October 2018 from the network of roads. These include Hong Kong, Havana and Colombo. The air link between Vienna and Linz will also be removed from the 2018/19 winter timetable, the last flight arriving on October 27 from Linz arriving in Vienna. Isfahan and Schiras will no longer be part of the Austrian Airlines program in mid-September 2018. The traditional flight to the Iranian capital remains in the program.

From the end of October 2018, Miami will move from a year – round service to a seasonal service in the summer flight schedule. Affected pbadengers are rebooked. The reason for the changes in the road network is a realignment of the wallet

The road network is retreaded

The business travelers are satisfied: Austrian Airlines will fly to North America and China more often in the winter flight schedule. There will be a daily connection between Vienna and Chicago and six weekly connections to Newark. This is two more flights per week than at the same time last year. New York, JFK, is served up to six times a week, up to three robberies

 Andreas Otto, Board Member and CCO d & # 39; Austrian Airlines
Andreas Otto, member of the board of directors and CCO of Austrian Airlines

There will be an additional flight to Toronto, Beijing and Shanghai next winter, with five weekly flights. From October 27, Cape Town will also be served in South Africa

In total, Austrian Airlines will make up to 29 weekly flights to destinations in North America and up to 19 times to destinations in Asia in the next winter schedule. "Says Andreas Otto, CEO of Austrian Airlines

." We use the freed up capacity to expand existing roads, especially towards North America. With these measures, we aim to treat business travelers and transfer pbadengers to Eastern Europe and thus gain more new customers. "

Airail with a high pbadenger growth

Austrian Airlines continues to offer AIRail pbadengers, a cooperation between Austrian Airlines and ÖBB the opportunity to travel quickly and easily from Linz to their connecting flight at the Vienna International Airport

"Since the introduction of AIRail at the end of 2014, we are recording annual double-digit growth rates of pbadenger traffic on the Linz-Vienna railway line," says Andreas Otto, CCO of Austrian Airlines, "This success shows that our customers accept this product."

Up to 16 AIRail trains depart daily from Linz main station to the airport. Vienna Airport, from where the network of Austrian Airlines Airlines offers nearly 130 destinations in the world.From Vienna Airport to Linz, up to 16 trains run every days with flight numbers OS.Austria customers Airlines hereby benefit from i.a. from a guaranteed connection, whether the journey continues by plane or train. Flights between Linz and Düsseldorf remain in the program.

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