Autonomous Cars: Ford Plans Billions Investment


  Autonomous Cars: Ford Plans Billions Investment

(Ford Image)

Ford is doing something and is expanding its efforts to develop autonomous vehicles. But the company wants to lose about four billion dollars.

The US-American automaker Ford wants to combine its previous efforts to develop and build self-driving cars and invest about 4 billion US dollars by 2023. For this, Ford has founded the subsidiary Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC. Ford announced this Tuesday. A billion dollars is destined for Argo AI, based in Pittsburgh, who acquired artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles at the end of 2017.

The new Ford's subsidiary is expected to be headquartered in New York Detroit on the Fordtown campus of Corktown. The acquired company Argo AI must remain in Pittsburgh. As General Manager of Ford Autonomous Vehicles LLC, Ford uses former Vice President Sherif Marakby, who was previously responsible for autonomous vehicles and electrification. Among others, self-propelled field integration systems, research and autonomous driving and transportation technology with autonomous vehicles will be combined into one service. According to Ford, the new company is structured in such a way that investments by third parties are also possible.

With startup and investment, Ford plans to accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles and better exploit market opportunities. With the new organization, the company is better positioned operationally in the area of ​​autonomous vehicles, which should lead to profitable growth.

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(Image: Ford)

The development of autonomous vehicles is considered a lucrative future activity in the industry, in which builders Clbadic automobiles and technology companies are putting a lot of money. General Motors bought the starter cruise for around $ 600 million in 2017. Also Uber, Tesla, Google's Waymo sister and several other rivals tinkering with a strong push on the self-driving car of the future. (with dpa material) /
( dpa ) /


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