Back in force of the night of the music «


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Bruck: Back in strength of the musical evening «

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Small newspaper +

During the musical evening in Bruck, 15 groups entertained the numerous
Visitors to the 15 participating restaurants. For the first time, the long night of
Music with free admission instead.

14.20, 12 November 2018

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Many visitors spoke well at Bruck's musical party
Many visitors spoke well at Bruck's musical party © Bruck / Maili

Bruck had been a pioneer in the area with the Honky Tonk festival when it came to playing music in downtown restaurants. In the meantime, the format has taken root in many cities of Upper Styria. After a few years of rest, Brucker restaurants have taken over Andreas Gutschi and Gerhard Golenia heart again and put up a night of music on the stage. In the context of the Red Carpet Days, which have already attracted many customers in the Old City, the large number of visitors gave the initiators the right to revive the series of events.

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