Bayern FC: James confesses to FC Bayern – FC Bayern News – FC Bayern Munich FC


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James Rodríguez sees his future at Bayern Munich. His goal is to win the Champions League with the club

  • FC Bayern will be coached by Niko Kovac this season.
  • The club lost the friendly match against Juventus in the United States 2-0 [19659004] Saturday, Bayern plays against Manchester City

Bayern: News on the blog

28. July: James confesses to Bayern

Colombian football player James Rodríguez has after speculation on a return to the Champions League, winner of Real Madrid at FC Bayern Munich known. "Yes, there were a lot of rumors, but Bayern is my presence, I'm happy here and I'm thinking of Bayern Munich," the 27-year-old midfielder said on Saturday.

At the announcement of the CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge as the champion of Germany after the loan agreement in the coming year "with great certainty" the option from the purchase of an amount of 42 million euros will draw, he responds positively: "I am very good Imagine staying in Munich longer, Bayern is a big club, and Bavaria m & rsquo; Gave credence last year. "

James evaluates his first season in Munich as" positive ", as he stated at a meeting of the team FC Bayern at a press conference: "If you play continuously, you will gain confidence in yourself." In the second year of Bayern, he wanted to make a significant contribution to winning titles. "My goal is also to win the Champions League." Quality for the frame. James recalled the semifinals "unfortunate" this year against Real Madrid.

The Colombian briefly joined the Munich team in Miami to perform some marketing activities and media appointments for the club during his vacation after the World Cup. For FC Bayern, it is an eminently important advertising medium for Latin America and South America.

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Claudia Neumann comments on the transmission of the football Supercup

Claudia Neumann is the first woman to comment on the television broadcast of the men's football supercup. The 54-year-old journalist, according to information from the German News Agency on August 12 at the match between FC Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt for the ZDF in service. The match between the champions of Germany and the winner of the DFB Cup will take place in Frankfurt / Main.

Neumann was the first German reporter in Russia to use the commentary of a football World Cup. The ZDF was to defend the experienced journalist against malicious and misogynistic criticism on the Internet. It has also benefited from the support of colleagues and other broadcasters.

26. July: Bayern is cleared after injury by Javi Martínez

Bayern Munich does not expect a longer absence of professional footballer Javi Martínez. The 29-year-old Spaniard was injured Wednesday night (local time) in the first match of the American Tour of the champions of Germany in Philadelphia, 0-2 against Juventus on the right knee. With a thick bandage around the joint, the defensive player left the stadium.

"It looks like Javi has undergone muscle compression," said coach Niko Kovac after the match at the International Champions Cup. In the duel, the opponent had fallen on the back of Martinez's knee. But it was "nothing broken," reported Kovac. "We did not want to take any risks, so we took it out." If Martínez can play again this week in the second match in Miami against Manchester City, he is open

Bayern loses the first game in the USA: 0: 2 against Juve

Bayern has the first game on his US- United -travel lost. The German football champions beat Wednesday night (local time) in Philadelphia in the International Champion's Cup with many junior players against Juventus with 0: 2 (0: 2). On the offensive, the young team of coach Niko Kovac was missing at Lincoln Financial Field heavy rains and efficiency in the final.

Center forward Andrea Favilli (32/40 minutes) scored in front of 32,105 spectators both goals for the Italian Master, who was missing from the commitment of Real Madrid footballer Cristiano Ronaldo still missing . At first base, goalkeeper Sven Ulreich gave the impression of an imprecise back pbad on the wet lawn.

In his second game, Bayern, who traveled to the United States without his World Cup participants for a promotional tour, will face Manchester City with former coach Pep Guardiola this Saturday in Miami.

25. July: Bayern hires Canada's best talent Davies until 2023

FC Bayern Munich was pulled by many clubs, Canadian footballer Alphonso Davies until June 30, 2023 tied. After CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has already confirmed the offensive player's obligation on the German champion's US trip, the transfer Wednesday with medical check-up in Philadelphia was finally completed. The 17-year-old athlete will evolve from the MLS Club Vancouver Whitecaps from 1 January 2019 to the title of champion of Germany. The transfer fee should be about ten million euros.

"I'm very happy with my transfer to Bayern," said Davies in a club statement. He spoke of a "dream" that would come true: "But now the work continues, now I have to give everything to seize this opportunity". Davies, from Ghana, is a great talent, said sports director Hasan Salihamidzic. "At only 17 years old, he promises a lot for the future."

The coach Niko Kovac also looks forward to the junior player. "Many clubs wanted to have it in Europe," said Kovac about the Canadian international who should finish the season in Major League Soccer. It ends on October 28th. After that, the playoffs begin. The final of the MLS is December 8th.

If Vancouver failed before, Davies should arrive as quickly as possible in Germany according to Kovac and train with the Bavarian pros. Davies has great speed and great technical skills, enthused the coach of Bayern. For a young player who is so internationally sought after, a lot of money has to be taken in hand, noticed Kovac at high transfer fees

Participants at the Bayern World Cup are preparing – Premiere for Goretzka

First was Manuel Neuer & Co. at the performance center, then bike to Perlacher Forst: exactly four weeks after the historic preliminary round of the German national team at the World Cup, the DFB stars and Robert Lewandowski on Wednesday for their first day of work in the new Bayern Munich coach Niko Kovac has started. For the first time, the free transfer of FC Schalke 04 has allowed Leon Goretzka to be the record of German football champions. At his side, exercises on the gymnastics mats also moved Jérôme Boateng, who was going to jump to Paris Saint-Germain

"You have enough time to recover from the training session, "Is full to burst" -Heinz Rummenigge. On Thursday and Friday, returnees will have to undergo a mandatory performance diagnosis, during which fitness values ​​will be checked after the summer holidays. This is only Friday afternoon for the Bayern latecomers on the lawn. "The players will be riding the same week as the others at the beginning," said Kovac, recalling the start three weeks ago.

Rummenigge: Bayern pulls the option to buy James "pretty safe"

Bayern Munich is considering signing up for the 2018 FIFA World Cup footballer, James Rodríguez, which is currently loaned by Real Madrid. "We still have the loan agreement of one year and we have this clause for 42 million euros, which we – today – will pull with a lot of certainty," he said. Bayern CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Tuesday night in Philadelphia.

  It is certain that Bayern Munich will pull the option of buying on James Rodríguez. Photo: Andreas Gebert

It is certain that Bayern Munich will pull the call option on James Rodríguez.

Image: Andreas Gebert, dpa

The relationship between the club and the player is wonderful, said the 62-year-old. "We are very happy with the player who is very happy with us," Rummenigge said during the US champion's trip to Germany. "As a result, I guess it will stay a long time."

James, 27, came to Munich a year ago as a lender. He has become stronger during the season and is now one of the best players in the team. Recently, rumors have run that James will take him back to Real, after Zinedine Zidane, the successful coach, left the Champions League winner.

24. July: Media: Boateng must move to Tuchel for Paris

It is possible that Jérôme Boateng is transferred from FC Bayern to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). According to the information of Sky on Tuesday, "the champions of France and Bayern could still be agreed this week". Former Dortmunder Thomas Tuchel coaches PSG. The Boateng contract in Munich continues until 2021. CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge had shown his willingness to negotiate last month, if a club wants to engage the 29-year-old center-back.

  Jerome Boateng will move to Paris Saint-Germain. Photo: Sven Hoppe

Jérôme Boateng should face FC Bayern at Paris Saint-Germain.

Image: Sven Hoppe, dpa

Last weekend, new Munich coach Niko Kovac told Klagenfurt: "I know Jerome very well and I guess he will stay with Bayern." However, "guarantees" do not exist in football until the end of the transfer period on August 31, Kovac added. In the hall there is a possible transfer fee of 50 million plus X.

If Boateng leaves Munich, the new move could come in the change of French world champion Benjamin Pavard from VfB Stuttgart to Bayern. According to information from SWR the 22-year-old defender signed a contract with FC Bayern at the World Cup and will change workplace by the summer of 2019 at the latest . An earlier transfer no longer seems to be excluded. Kovac said Pavard was "a very good player".

Councilor Özil Erkut Sögüt rejects criticism Hoeneß

After the harsh criticism of Uli Hoeneß against Mesut Özil, his adviser Erkut Sögüt attacked the Bavarian president, "Mr Hoeneß's comments completely miss of the question, and it tries to divert attention from the real problem of racism and discrimination in Germany, "Sögüt told the Internet portal Goal . "Besides, he can not prove his stupid statements, which are completely exaggerated," added Sögüt.

Sögüt refers to his protégé's 63 prize in the 2014 World Champion jersey and the fact that Özil was elected national player of the year was. He responded to the statement by Uli Hoeness, who had said before the departure of FC Bayern for an American tour: "I'm glad the ghost is over, who has played a lot of ground for years, the last duel that he intends He won the 2014 World Cup. And now, he is hiding behind his photo. "

  Bayern President Uli Hoeneß is unleashed against Mesut Özil. Photo: Matthias Balk

Bayern President Uli Hoeneß mocking Mesut Özil. He has not played so well in recent years that he belongs to a DFB team.

Image: Matthias Balk, dpa

Ozil's consultant replied with strong words: "Mr. Hoeneß, we will not spend more time and energy talking to you about a topic you have no idea about. – you are not only a shame for yourself, but especially for Bayern Munich and the Germans. "According to Sögüt," Mesut's statements were not necessarily about football, but about public at the resurgence of racism, showing the courage and bravery to fight for those who are unjustly treated in Germany.Immigrants, Muslims and many others, "said the counselor.

23. July : Hoeneß poisoned against Özil: "played the land for years"

Uli Hoeneß strongly criticized Mesut Özil. "I'm glad the ghost is over, he's been playing the land for years, he's won the last duel before the 2014 World Cup and now he's hiding behind

Boateng zu Özil: "It was a pleasure"

The national player Jérôme Boateng likes to go back in time with Mesut Özil within the DFB team. "It was a pleasure, Abi," the Bayern Munich defender wrote Monday via Twitter, using the Turkish word for "brother" (Abi). With two hashtags, Boateng, 29, has also remembered the title victories of the Under-21 European Championship in 2009 and the 2014 World Cup that he had celebrated with Özil in the jersey of the German Football Federation. In addition Boateng made a photo on which he happily leaves his tongue next to a smiling Özil.

Özil (29) resigned Sunday as a result of the case on his photos with the disputed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the national team. He felt "a sense of racism and disrespect" towards him, Özil explained his move.

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After the resignation: Mesut Özil's career in pictures

Image: Rolf Vennenbernd, dpa

July 22: Bayern's departure to the United States – Trials against Juventus and Pep Guardiola

FC Bayern Munich went to the United States on Monday. For the team of new coach, Niko Kovac, for the trip of a week, two high-level test matches. In Philadelphia, the German football champion meets new club Cristiano Ronaldo, Juventus Turin. In Miami, Manchester City is the opponent with former coach Pep Guardiola. On Saturday, the Munichers had won their first test under Kovac 3-1 against Paris Saint-Germain

  As the team of Niko Kovac is on the trip of one week to two matches of the tests high level. Photo: Erwin Scheriau

Coach Niko Kovac travels with FC Bayern to the United States.

Image: Erwin Scheriau, dpa (archive)

Arjen Robben, Franck Ribery, Kingsley Coman, Serge Gnabry and Javi Martinez are on their way to the United States, like many young players. World Cup participants are not on board Monday. They begin their season preparation in Munich on July 25th. Arturo Vidal is missing after his knee surgery, he continues to work in Munich during a return.

Bayern visited the United States two years ago. During the past year, Munich visited Asia during the summer and participated in a long promotional tour of four friendly matches in China and Singapore. (dpa, afp)

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