Bickel Rapids on Galvao: "We had to count on this"


The transfer of Lucas Galvao to FC Ingolstadt affected SK Rapid.

Brazil's top performer leaves space in the Wieners. Although he was only one year in the team, he stabilized the defense and was also a respectful person.

Now is the time to replace him. As well as Andrija Pavlovic, who as a new striker should solve the worries in the attack and now fails with a muscle tear for months as Giorgi Kvilitaia and Philipp Schobesberger.

Fredy Bickel can not rule out other departures. There is a danger with three or four players

There is a danger of well-known new starts

"When I judge him, I see three or four positions where I have to think deeply." However, I would estimate danger with more than 50 percent at most one. "

No matter who can imagine who it is. Bickel does not want to bring that extra into the conversation. However, players like Stefan Schwab, Thomas Murg or Boli Bolingoli have certainly aroused desires over the past season.

The Swiss sports director is continually stressed in the Windischgarsten training camp, but badured LAOLA1 during his visit to Upper Austria. It remains today that we will still have to hire two or three players. "

Two for the offensive, one as Galvao's replacement for central defense

Galvao's departure:" We had to wait "

Even though Rapid warned the public of the start from the head of the Brazilian defense for some time now.

"It started a long time ago. Nevertheless, we tried to keep it until the end. For the outside it was surprising, but we had to wait for it. "

Despite the contract until 2020, you wanted to put the ex-Altacher no obstacles on the way." For that has always behaved like a pro model, Rapid at each step and his feelings inaugurated.

"It's paying off in football not when riding on paragraphs or contracts. There is always the human behind. You must also see the other side. He is now a 27-year-old who has not yet played in a real big club before Rapid. Not that it would be Ingolstadt now, but it was certainly not overflowing with finances yet. He is a Brazilian, knows that his career is not long and now has the chance, probably for the first time to earn something for the future. Then it will be difficult to organize this personally. Are you challenging him or not? If he was 22 or 23 years old, I would have said that you had all your career in front of you, there is something better to do, keep going with us. I would certainly have put everything in play to keep it, "Bickel justifies in supporting the sale of the important support, although he knows what he will lose with Galvao. [19659010] Delete number 1 and number 2 as successor to Galvao

The Bundesliga will start in three weeks, the Europa League qualifier in a month – every day counts for Rapid.

The obligation to replace a Galvao should be imminent, even if a few hours after the departure of Galvao Nothing is fixed

"There are two that are ready to be signed and we have three candidates for which we are not ready yet but where we can now begin the talks. Even if you agree, it takes three, four days, because the other club knows you're under pressure and you still want to renegotiate. The one or the other player also benefits from his position, from other clubs in pure. We are well prepared, I am optimistic that we will have done this here next week. But there is never any security until the signature is there, "says Bickel

. But we have clear ideas: "We know exactly who would be number 1 and number 2, but we do not have the guarantee or 2 signs. That's why we have to keep others warm to be able to row.

Galvao offers new financial opportunities

What is sought is clear: "A strong central defender who is a left foot. It is important for us. "

It is almost certain that one thing is certain: another stranger will be sought.At least the two favorites have so far no point of contact with Austria. However, as long as they meet the characteristics mentioned above, this is not a problem for the Rapid.

The Rapid must and must react, otherwise only four central defenders would be available. Clearly too little , as confirmed Bickel, because Christopher Dibon is after a long injury is not one hundred percent and with Max Hofmann, Mario Sonnleitner and talent but not yet tried Mert Müldür the risk would be too great

which should bring in between two and three million euros, the spontaneous supply on the market also makes it possible. "The financial side is not a big problem right now. We are not currently limited by foreign places because we are left behind by a player without an Austrian pbadport, "says Bickel.

Still too many legionaries as a problem?

The focus is on" currently " As soon as injured foreigners Kvilitaia, Pavlovic or Ivan Mocinic are fit again, one or the other because of planned legionnaires transfers could again fall victim to the Austrian pot.

"I know that there will be no problems in half a year, but I know that he can return to the table in January. So you have to find the middle ground, the risk you are taking in relation to the future or how far you are leaning.

Of the three new arrivals expected, the three may not be foreigners. In this regard, Bickel stresses a common ground so as not to open new problems for the future.

Swipe to the competition in terms of transfers

However, opportunities in the domestic market are so limited that one must look abroad. As the head of sports explains:

"At first we have an eye on our own offspring, then second place in the Bundesliga.These are players you think they can help you, but they may not want to, or you have problems with the club that they do not distribute themselves to the country.This is often the case, as it's allowed me to experience it here, "Bickel brings out the little bump. "And then comes the third scenario, it's just foreign countries."

The coming days are intense, because green and white are short of time, you want to strengthen yourself and prepare the season.

the sports directors are no longer silent anyway. An attacker and a defender must put their ink under contract as soon as possible.

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SK Rapid sells Lucas Galvao to FC Ingolstadt

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