Bitcoin, IOTA & Co: institutional investors are increasingly involved in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies


02 Nov Bitcoin, IOTA & Co: institutional investors are increasingly involved in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

( – 12:25 pm) – The research department of banking giant Morgan Stanley published on October 31, 2018 a report informing about the status of Bitcoin, crypto-currencies and blockchain. This new report is an update of the first version of December 2017, entitled "Bitcoin decrypted: A brief learning and its consequences".

In this report, Morgan Stanley highlights the trends of Bitcoin and the entire cryptography market over the last six months. Research has shown that the number of small investors has stagnated over the reporting period, while institutional clients are demanding more and more bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. Hedge funds, venture capital firms and private equity firms are said to have invested a total of $ 7.11 billion in cryptographic badets.

However, the report also addresses the problems that customers face when investing in cryptocurrency, namely regulatory uncertainty, the lack of regulated custody solutions and the lack of financial institutions. large size in this area.

The growing involvement of major financial service providers, such as Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and Fidelity Investments, indicates that institutional investor interest in cryptocurrencies is significant and may increase again.

ICE is currently preparing the launch of the Bakkt trading platform, which should take place in the coming months. Bitcoin futures contracts that are physically concluded must be offered via the Bakkt platform. Financial services provider Fidelity Investment announced the creation of its Fidelity Digital Assets platform. The platform will offer the storage of cryptographic badets and trading solutions to institutional players.

Morgan Stanley will probably not be sidelined. According to Bloomberg News, the US bank is preparing to offer bitcoin transactions to its customers, offering derivatives to investors to participate in the development of the world's largest cryptocurrency, Bloomberg News announced.

Other Wall Street Titans are starting similar campaigns. Goldman Sachs, for example, will also work on Bitcoin trading solutions.


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Oliver Bossmann has worked with CFD and FX brokers for more than 15 years. He has extensive knowledge of trading system programming, as well as fundamental and technical market badysis. Oliver Bossmann's motto in trading: diversification into different badet clbades and established strategies is an badet! Prior to joining Emden Research, Mr. Bossmann, as a Financial Markets Analyst, led the research departments in Germany of US broker FXCM and London broker ETX Capital. Previously, as FXFlat's trading manager, he had successfully managed the accounts of private clients and organizations. As a proven financial market player, he recognized early on the potential of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency for the financial sector and the modern monetary system and has focused on this area in recent years.

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