Bode Miller's wife talks about her daughter's death


In a touching Instagram message, Morgan Beck Miller talks about the death of his daughter for the first time. "It's been 37 days that I've held my baby girl, and I pray to God that no other parent experiences such pain," writes the wife of the ex-wife. ski star Bode Miller, 31 years old.

More than a month ago Emeline Grier Miller, 19 months old, drowned in the pool of a neighbor. Now, Morgan wants to call other parents to mindfulness, so that they do not have to endure such a tragedy. "Drowning is the leading cause of death in children aged 1 to 4. We are talking about vaccinations, car seats, organic food, screen time, etc. but not the number one risk that affects the lives of children … a silent killer. "In addition, she warns," It happens in seconds. "

This message should be shared to spread the message and create more attention for this topic. According to Morgan, it was "the first step" to prevent such a thing.

Emeline was the second child of the former volleyball player and former ski star. They already have a three year old son and are expecting a baby soon.

Tragic news about the death of little Emeline was also spread by bereaved parents on Instagram. "We are devastated – never in a million years would we have thought that we would have to experience such pain – her love, her light, her spirit will never be forgotten." Our little girl loved life and enjoyed it every day, "they wrote in a heartbreaking article

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