Börse Express – Big investor bets against Tesla


A prominent Wall Street investor who
so far against Tesla the bet has a turnaround
finished and now wants the company of technology billionaire Elon Musk
to define. The unexpected support gave Tesla's share on
Mbadively dynamic Tuesday – the route has increased by around 13 hours
Percentage of US trade.

Well-known Big Investor Andrew Edward Left of Citron Research –
known until here as a big skeptic Tesla – praises the company
suddenly in the highest tones. "It's a revolution, me
underestimated, "said Left at Bloomberg TV.

Tesla boss Musk, so continues the left, draws so much with his escapades
Attention to this people even to the success of their company
would not notice. In fact, the company is short
to become profitable and refute skeptics.

Left had already caused a sensation with a lawsuit against Musk,
after that the markets in August with plans for a
Removed the stock market Tesla shocked. Lemon has held one for a long time
Short position against Tesla, so speculated on lower prices
the part.

Another spontaneous announcement Tuesday was the spontaneous announcement
Tesla, already this Wednesday – much earlier than expected
– submit figures for the third quarter. Musk had investors
there are months promised that it was until now chronic
loss-making companies out of the red. / hbr / DP / he

    ISIN US88160R1014

AXC0297 2018-10-23 / 23: 38

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