Börse Express – Change: the euro goes up


The price of the euro and the British
The pounds rose against the dollar on Thursday. Directed Distributors
Reports on the progress of negotiations and Brexit
Overall positive sentiment on the financial markets. In the afternoon
the euro cost 1,1395 dollar. At the beginning of the exchanges, he had only
quoted just above the $ 1.13 mark. L & # 39; European
Central Bank (ECB) set the reference rate at 1.1339 (Wednesday:
1,1318) dollars. The dollar cost 0.8777 (0.8835) euro.

The event was dominated by British high-altitude flight
Pound. The question of the future access of the British
Financial services to EU markets made Thursday for
considerable confusion. While the British newspaper "The
Times "on an agreement between Britain and the EU
declared the European negotiator Michel Barnier
"misleading" reports. The pound sterling despite the
Barnier's statements on all major currencies too.

"It's becoming more and more obvious to see what Brexit looks like
could, "said Ulrich Leuchtmann, currency expert at
Commerzbank the price gains in the pound. The British could
apparently a longer stay in the customs union with the EU
imagine. In addition, there were signals that the
The hardest Brexit supporters of the ruling faction
The Conservatives would abandon their opposition to an agreement.

"The exchange rate of the euro benefits from the general positive sentiment towards the
Financial Markets, "said Leuchtmann, in light of the controversy
Italy's fiscal policy, the euro was even stronger than
risky currency was perceived. Therefore, it benefits from a
positive mood on the markets. The dollar was also loaded
through weak industrial data. The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), a
important leading indicator for the sector, was surprising in October
very fallen.

The ECB has defined the reference exchange rates for other major currencies
One euro to 0.88173 (0.88883) pounds sterling, 128.52 (128.15)
Yen and 1,1430 (1,1399) Swiss francs. The price
for an ounce of gold troy was in the afternoon in London at 1231.15
(1214.95) Dollars declare./jsl/bgf/he

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AXC0203 2018-11-01 / 17: 08

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