Börse Express – Chinese Continue shopping in Germany


German companies are still
the favorite target of Chinese investors in Europe. for
Acquisitions and participations in Europe were carried out by Chinese companies
$ 15 billion this year, including $ 10 billion
Germany, from a study of the consulting company EY
obvious. After political tensions, tensions with the
United States "to lead to greater preparedness in Europe,
bring Chinese investors on board, "said an expert from EY China
Yi Sun.

The biggest case by far this year in Europe was the
Entry of car manufacturer Geely at Daimler
of the acquisition of French video game producer Ubisoft
through the giant of the Internet Tencent and taking control in progress
of the Bavarian car supplier Grammer by Ningbo

The number of acquisitions and the volume of investments in Europe are
Although lower than in previous years. But "if in
Europe is an attractive business because a recovery target is
actually still a Chinese company among the
Interested parties, "said Yi Sun. In Germany, Chinese
Investors rank fourth behind investors in the United States and the United Kingdom
and Switzerland. His greatest interest was in industrial enterprises,
At the moment, they are buying more and more commodities and goods

However, the headwind has increased, particularly in the
High-tech companies and energy suppliers have more in Europe
"political concerns and concern about a sale of
Know-how, "said Yi Sun. At the same time, sellers are more cautious
– they often asked today for the
Signature of high collateral agreement of Chinese buyers.
Bank guarantees for Chinese investors are now
more difficult to obtain. And sometimes investors should leave
People's Republic has also made concessions regarding jobs and
Headquarters of the company, said Yi Sun.

Some large transactions have failed or are still in the
Limbo. This is how the Portuguese energy company EDP commissioned
The Chinese public tender offer for 11 billion
Germany was the entrance of the Chinese state enterprise state
Grid to the network operator 50 Hertz failed.

Sometimes Chinese but as "savior in need" during, said
Yi Sun: "Many transactions have also affected this year
companies still insolvent. "Also for medium-sized German companies,
the expansion expected by their customers is not on their own
The Chinese partners would be ready to help themselves. / Rol / DP / fba

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