Börse Express – Frankfurt Stocks: stabilization attempt continues


The dax at his Monday
defend the new force until noon. A break
the latest highly decomposed oil prices and the conciliatory tones of the
Italian budget dispute. In addition, they gave themselves
The securities brokers hope that problems such as Brexit and the
The US-China trade dispute may soon be settled.

More recently, the German benchmark rose 1.15% to 11
321.88 points. This links the stock market barometer to the moderates
Win before the weekend. Stabilization takes place however
at the beginning still low level: last Tuesday was the
Dax dropped to an annual minimum of 11,009 points and also
two weeks as a result of price losses behind.

In addition, the MDax mid-sized companies index drew
Monday with over 0.87 percent to 23,412.52 points out. for
EuroStoxx 50 Euro area leading index it was about more
as a percent up.

However, market watchers such as Milan Cutkovic of Axitrader warn
premature optimism. Although the European Union has
Weekend is the Brexit package with Britain approved and
It's a step further, but in the British Parliament in the
Moment no majority for the contract in sight. Investors were hoping
now on the positive results of the meeting between US President Donald
Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the
upcoming G20 summit.

"No one expects about commercial disputes
dissolves suddenly in the air. However, it is a constructive issue.
The dialogue between the two parties, which is another escalation
prevented, it would be a rewarding step forward for the
Scholarships, "wrote Cutkovic, and oil prices in front
Growing economic worries remain strong Friday
fallen, interrupted their descent for the moment.

Faced with such developments, even the deepest
Ifo business climate barely significant. According to this, in the
The economy in this country the mood continues the third month as a result

Nevertheless, investors were pleased that both
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio ready
are with the EU on the amount of new debt in the coming year
to negotiate. This provided the banking sector in Italy, but
also dynamic throughout Europe. The profiteers of Dax were Deutsche Bank
They ran the index at half past three at noon
Percentage price increase. Also Commerzbank , Aareal Bank
and Deutsche Pfandbriefbank in the MDax
showed strong.

Also on economically sensitive car and supplier values
investors are approaching. Continental hit the Dax
with an additional 2.70%, the VW car manufacturer
, BMW and Daimler
followed by increases of about one and a half percent.

At the chip maker Infineon, investors welcomed the entry of the
Japanese automaker Denso – the part
put more than one and a half percent. Lufthansa
Stock has benefited from a recommendation to buy the
The badysts Kepler Cheuvreux and therefore related to their last
the drop in oil prices has encouraged the good race.

The paper of the specialized chemical company Covestro help
Sales recommendation canceled by Goldman Sachs experts
with over three percent more price on jumps. Also in the
The MDax averages index gave positive opinions to some badysts
Wind behind the company. Wacker Chemistry , Online retailer
Zalando Automotive supplier Dürr included
there for the favorites with price gains between two and a half and four

Far from the big clues, there was a movement for people:
CEO Till Reuter leaves early before just under two years
Years ago acquired by Chinese investors robot manufacturers
KUKA , It was not a good thing on the market – newspapers
gave good last three percent nach./tav/jha/

— By Tanja Vedder, dpa-afx —

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