Börse Express – ROUNDUP 2: VW plans a change of course in Emden


(More details)

EMDEN (dpa-AFX) – Quit VW emergency Worker at
Change of position at the Emder factory, seven days off
them. But it's little work and the faces are closed
until disaster. "We do not know anything, we say nothing, no
Comment, any speculation "- more reactions to the
The media reports on the future of the VW group are the
Do not raise men.

Further on, at the Wolfsburg headquarters, are the
Simulation games on the future of the Emder factory with about 9,000 employees
at his best. Instead of the middle clbad cars of the Pbadat series could
Electric cars run on tapes, is one of the options
for strategic realignment. "The supervisory board will be the next
Friday to make an important decision for Emden "said
a VW spokesman for relevant media reports.

According to a report "HAZ" released Wednesday, the company plans the
Suspension of production for the Pbadat in Germany for the year
2022. The "Handelsblatt" had also recently
Planning reports.

Emden has long been fighting against the decline in demand for Pbadat.
As a result of the diesel crisis and the SUV boom, demand has been added
Return of limousines. This concerns in particular the production of
Emden builds the basic brand. Instead of 290,000 new cars at most
The use of capacity this year was only 250,000 cars planned
There was more time work and closing.

If the Pbadat actually build new electric cars at the local factory
must give way is still open. Sales Director VW Jürgen Stackmann
stated in a notice that it was by no means expected that
general production of the Pbadat: "On the contrary, we
We want to maintain our brand in this market segment
develop ".

Anke Pörksen, spokesperson of the Government of Lower Saxony, met on
Wednesday to the alleged VW plans covered. With a view of
next meeting of the Supervisory Board – in which the country
Lower Saxony holds two seats as a shareholder – she said: "We
are confident that this planning around the
Sites in Lower Saxony appropriately
is ".

Bernd Osterloh, chairman of VW's corporate committee, had the executive committee of the giant of the automobile
already asked in the summer for the use of the plant in
Take care of Emden. "If the trend is to electric mobility
Of course we would also need an electric car in Emden ",
he said in August, stressing: "We just want that
The "pact of the future" is respected – 290,000 vehicles in 2020. "

The works council also had Emden for the production of
Battery cells brought into conversation. Osterloh called it proximity
wind turbines on the coast as a location advantage. Emden
also offers the complete port infrastructure for import and export
of vehicles. / woe / rek / DP / tos

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