Börse Express – ROUNDUP: Aurubis will also be out of the market


The Aurubis copper group
expects one for the current exercise
lower profits. Pre-tax operating income should be moderate
sink, said the company Monday in Hamburg. than
Aurubis describes a "moderate" decline of 5.1 to 15%.
Thus, the group meets the market expectations of 330
Millions of euros for 2018/19 (at the end of September) are missing, it was said.

As a reason for the weaker development named Aurubis
"various unplanned downtimes" at the Hamburg sites,
Lünen and Pirdop. These have weighed anyway on the weakest seasonal
first quarter in addition. The stock then collapsed and sank
at its lowest level since autumn 2016. At the bottom of the list
MDax friendly Lost papers more recently
like 12 percent to 46.36 euros. After their record at the end of January
This year, the stock price evolution made us think. the
Since then, less represents more than 46%.

Aurubis had to admit early November because of
maintenance failures in Hamburg and Lünen, market expectations
for the 2017/18 fiscal year. provisionally
Aurubis achieved pre-tax profit of 328 million euros
reported, an increase of about 10% over the previous year. although
the group had previously promised a growth of 15%.

The new judgments surprised him a bit, he writes
Banking badyst Baader Christian Obst in a first reaction. more
could possibly reduce the wages of smelting and refining and the
Risk of falling prices of sulfuric acid. It should be a little while
need until the stock price stabilizes again.

While Obst kept his vote "stuck", the Dirk badyst has changed
Schlamp of the DZ Bank of his "Buy" on "Hold". the
The warning on profits was a negative surprise, the expert wrote.
The Goldman Sachs badyst, Eugene King, is particularly referred to 2019.
agreement on the reduction of refining and refining costs
between the Chinese copper manufacturer Jiangxi Copper and the
Antofagasta Mining Company. With such an agreement have Aurubis
That's why the downward pressure keeps growing
likely. / nas / she / AJX / ck

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AXC0298 2018-11-26 / 17: 43

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