Börse Express – ROUNDUP: diesel pilots team up against VW


They wanted a respectful environment,
economical car – and has a spinner. hundreds of thousands
Diesel drivers feel like Volkswagen cheated.
Now, many of them go to court together – with the help of
Consumer advocates. Represent the victims of
The diesel scandal hit the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv)
Thursday, the first model declaration suit of the nation. the
Objective: compensation. "The drivers were quite long Volkswagen
put off. That's enough, "says the head of the badociation, Klaus Müller.

With the suit declaration model, he wants VW the
Teach fear. "November 1, 2018 will be Volkswagen as the day
to remember, on which velvet gloves from politics the
Boxing gloves from consumer advocates followed, "said Müller.
threatened in advance. Now he says: "Volkswagen cheated and
must harm consumers
Compensation ".

In September 2015, VW had been handling diesel engines.
need. US environmental agencies have discovered that the
Exhaust cleaning was fully activated only during road tests
the yield much higher. Volkswagen had 2.5 million cars
call back.

More than 26,000 diesel drivers are alone in the courts
drawn. There were 7400 judgments. According to VW, most of the complainants
district courts do not succeed. Tobias Ulbrich, lawyer
contradicted. His company represents 15,000 applicants, two-thirds of whom
Cases go in their favor in the first place. all
Customers would have "in the result get what we asked for
have "- either by a judgment or a regulation." Anyone who
badert a claim, this is very likely
also received, "says Ulbrich.

Consumer centers now want tens of thousands of drivers
who would like to complain, but have up to now repressed
because they do not have legal protection insurance, for example. the
The standard declaration action instrument is only available in Germany
since Thursday. With her, the consumer advocates on behalf of
many victims against companies go to court. the
Consumers themselves bear no financial risk.

The Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig has confirmed the entry in the morning
the trial. Advocates of consumer advocates still had them
faxed to the courtyard at night. 246 pages. Transmission has taken
36 minutes. She failed twice, then around two in the evening and then left
documents always through.

Once the court has considered and accepted the trial, it may
connect all the diesel drivers involved in the recall that are still
did not complain – even though they have their car in the meantime
sold or scrapped. The middle of the month will be a
Register opened at the Federal Office of Justice.

Consumer advocates want diesel drivers for the
The loss of value of their vehicles will be compensated. The maximum goal is
that they get the price of purchase refunded. VW sees little
Chances: "The new convenience does not change ours
Position: customers in Germany have no claim because of the
Use of switching logic in vehicles equipped with EA-type engines
189 ", says the industry leader.
technically safe and ready to drive.

Anyone who joins the pattern search pursuit should
also put on a one year process, warns VW. when
consumer centers are successful in the process of approving models,
In addition, diesel drivers have yet to go to court for
determine the amount of damages. Not the model costume
Success, you must not complain again. The lawyers of
Consumer advocates advise clients with legal protection insurance
Therefore, continue to the individual action.

They also point out that Volkswagen is not beyond the level of
Oberlandesgerichte looking for comparison. In individual cases with
The company even offered money to the plaintiffs to give them a chance of success, according to ADAC
Agreement of silence. VW, on the other hand, insists on the number of
Comparisons are relatively small. The exact number wanted that
Do not call businesses.

For many companies, clbad actions are high
Claims, known to the United States, a
Specter. This is exactly the right model trial
no, says Federal Justice Minister Katarina Barley (SPD). "We
specifically not wanted American standards, "she said
ARD "Morning Magazine". Therefore, in Germany only
Some consumer organizations complain, not everyone
The law firm. It's not okay that lawyers and badociations that
The focus is on consumer protection.

Criticism, the German "complaint for all" is still too much
complicated. Anton Hofreiter, leader of the Green Party
"no legal protection that works". "If there is no badociation
who represent the interests of the people affected, they remain like
until here alone, "he told the" Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung ".
The FDP has also announced doubts. It has been promised that consumers
Enforce their rights more easily and quickly. " The
concerned, first and foremost the damaged diesel drivers,
will realize that none of these promises will come true
– but only in a few months, "said the
Katharina Willkomm, FDP politician,
"Handelsblatt" ./ tam / DP / FBA

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