Börse Express – ROUNDUP / New York Stocks Conclusion: losses are contained


Wall Street has its Friday
in the meantime, violent price losses until the end of the negotiation
curbed. The rebound of yesterday's recovery, however, remained unchanged
Flash in the pan. Above all, Nasdaq technology exchange has suffered
disappointing business reports from the Internet giant Amazon
and the alphabet ,

In the end, the Dow Jones Industrial lost yet 1.19
Percent at 24,688.31 points. Thus, the main American index registered
Weekly decline of nearly three percent. For the S & P 500 at the market scale
Friday, it finally increased by 1.73%
2658.69 points downhill. The selection index based on Nasdaq technology
100 Confiscated because of the price losses of
Amazon and Alphabet heavyweights 2.34% to 6852.40 meters

On the eve of the closing of the market, the online retailer and the
Google's mother also disappointed with its quarterly sales. Amazon
even reported the second consecutive decline in growth. The clear
The increase in profits has not reconciled investors: shares have sunk
just under eight percent. The titles of the alphabet lost despite a clear
revenues and earnings up nearly two percent – badysts
had hoped for even better results. The papers of both
However, companies had Thursday before the numbers
significantly increased.

Snap shares, which also had early lapses, plunged
Friday about ten percent off. The society behind the
Snapchat Photo App had another one for the summer quarter
Decline in the number of users reported. Plus, Snap does not wait
a quick turnaround.

The bad news has not only come from
Technology sector: consumer goods manufacturer Colgate-Palmolive
announced its premiere for the last quarter
Declining sales of organic products for more than ten years. In addition, the suffered
Profit below ongoing austerity program costs, higher expenses
for advertising as well as charges during the US tax reform. this
pushed stocks down by more than six and a half percent.

Only Intel investors could before the weekend
convince by its numbers, which leads to an increase in the price of the property
three percent and Dow's first place reflected. Sales of
Second largest chip company in the world in the third quarter
even the highest expectations of badysts. In addition, the group now seems
also more optimistic about the future.

Tesla, the electric car manufacturer insisted
Newspaper report, according to which the FBI production data of "model 3"
look more closely, the price more only temporarily: the actions
closed around five percent firmer.

Led by the US Attorney's Office in San Francisco
Criminal investigations against Tesla are underway
The weeks have been intensified, the Wall Street Journal under
See you in dedicated circles. Tesla press office cleaned up
Request, however, that the Department of Justice this year
Requested documents on model 3 production forecasts.
However, that had happened months ago, we had to
Request cooperates and since then no further requests,
let alone receive a summons.

Temporary weakening of the prices of the euro moved in
US affairs something. This has also been changed by the rating agency
Standard & Poor's threat to downgrade its credit
The little Italian: more recently, the common currency has risen to 1.1411
Dollars. The European Central Bank (ECB) had the reference rate on
1,1345 (Thursday: 1,1416) dollars and the dollar
0.8815 (0.8760) euros. In the US government bond market
directional papers earned at maturity 10 years 10/32
Points to 98 9/32 points and reported 3.08 percent ./gl/he

— By Gerold Loehle, dpa-afx —

    ISIN US2605661048 US6311011026 US78378X1072

AXC0277 2018-10-26 / 22: 28

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