Börse Express – ROUNDUP: Swiss Re eliminates major disasters related to disasters


Second World Reinsurer Swiss Re
has despite catastrophic losses high in the third
Just neighborhood in the dark. In the first nine
For months of the year, rival Munich-Re won the bottom line
$ 1.1 billion (971 million euros), as he said Thursday at
Zurich has announced. It was more than expected by badysts. 2017
Hurricanes "Harvey", "Irma" and "Maria" in the United States had the
Swiss group loses almost half in nine months
Billions of dollars.

Swiss Re has already had a good year in the first half of 2018
Earned a billion dollars. In the third quarter hit the damage
following the Typhoon "Jebi" and "Trami" in Japan, as well as by
Hurricane "Florence" in the United States expensive to book. There was also
People have caused significant losses such as dam failure
Floods on a dam project in Colombia and in the
Collapse of the motorway bridge in Genoa. Your premium income could
Swiss Re rose from 6.5% to 28.4% in the first nine months
Billions of dollars are growing.

The news was well received by the financial market. In pre-commerce
In the morning, Swiss Re shares gained almost 1% in value.

In property and casualty insurance, premiums varied compared to the previous year
Year to surprise the costs of damages,
To cover the administration and sales. Combined
Combined ratio remained 99.5% below critical
mark 100 percent. A year earlier, it had 114.1% in the
located in the red zone. Analysts had on average also now
100.6% calculated. In direct business with large companies
However, the Swiss Re wrote red numbers again. the
The combined ratio was 105.4%.

Overall, the catastrophic losses at the Swiss Re boil down to
in the first nine months to about $ 1.6 billion. A year
previously, only natural disasters caused damage of 4.0
Millions of dollars remaining – mainly because of hurricane series
in the United States and two earthquakes in Mexico. For the whole world
The insurance sector was the year of the heaviest natural disaster in 2017
his history.

As a result of the claims, reinsurers such as Munich Re
, Swiss Re and Hannover Re to the
Renewal of contracts from 2018, although premiums are higher. with
Looking at all the activities but they were rather small. the
was due to the thick capital of the industry and to the competition
Non-industrial investors, for example, on catastrophe bonds in the
To do business. The offer of reinsurance protection is growing
stronger than the demand. This expresses the prices.

For 2018, the series of disasters is not over yet. In the fourth
Hurricane "Michael" is already heavy in the United States
Damage. In October, the situation remained tense,
wrote the Swiss Re. In addition to property damage, insurers pay in
many cases also for the consequences of interruptions of activity. when
an operation as a result of damage caused by a disaster for a long time no
can quickly produce failures in others
Companies in the supply chain, even if they are
The destruction is not directly affected. / Stw / she / fba

    ISIN CH0126881561

AXC0063 2018-11-01 / 08: 31

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