Börse Express – ROUNDUP: the Esprit fashion company before deep cuts


Bad colors, bad cuts,
Wrong strategy: the fashion company Esprit is in crisis. now
Management prepares under new boss Anders Kristiansen
The rehabilitation program has sunk into the red
Companies. The closure of unprofitable is planned
Stores and streamlining the organization, as the company on
Announced Monday in Hong Kong. So is it expected, the number of
Employees outside the shops of about 40%.
Information on possible reductions in Germany has resulted in
Company no.

Esprit employs around 2,800 full-time employees in Germany,
of which a little less than 1600 in stores and 1200 in the administration.
There are 6400 full-time employees worldwide. Works in this country
the fashion company based in Ratingen, North Rhine-Westphalia
and listing in Hong Kong still 140 own stores.

Germany is therefore the most important market of the fashion group, which is located in
Fiscal year 2017/18, which ended on June 30, in this country well the
Half of its total business turnover of nearly 15.5 billion Hong Kong
Dollar (1.74 billion euros). He wrote that
Red figures of companies.

Growth is expected in the future, especially in China, announced the
Society. Up to now, more than 40 in the world
Countries account for approximately 87% of sales
in Europe. The union Verdi fears for her mbadive
Cups mainly in Germany. "We do not have one
Information, which is really expected, "complained spokesman Verdi
Cosimo-Damian Quinto. It can not be that you develop, and
works councils in the sense of job security not with
including. A spokesman for the company, however,
Discussions with staff representatives.

Like many fashion retailers, Esprit struggles with a difficult
Market environment and many artisbad problems. In the net
In the future, the company intends to strengthen its predatory market
to quality. Spirit is not a fast fashion brand and no
Discounter, he says. Here, the fashion company also admitted homemade craft
An error, such as cuts, matching or image
the brand.

If a brand is already in a downward spiral, it is difficult
to defend himself, said the spokesperson of the professional textile badociation
BTE, Axel Augustin. Overall, the current year for the
The German textile trade up to now at a significant disadvantage
characterized. By the end of November, sales had fallen by two to reach
three percent lower than the previous year, about 65 billion euros
after, says Augustin./uta/DP/tos

AXC0234 2018-11-26 / 15: 32

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