Börse Express – The ROUNDUP 2 / ThyssenKrupp crisis is gaining momentum


(new: IG Metall Reaction)

ESSEN (DPA-AFX) – After the surprising resignation of ThyssenKrupp
-Chef Heinrich Hiesinger must be the industrial group
face another important departure. Ulrich Lehner (72 years old)
with effect from 31 July 2018, his term of office as President of the
Resignation of the supervisory board of Thyssenkrupp AG and
The Supervisory Board has resigned, said the company Dax
Group on Monday night with. The Supervisory Board will be completed soon
The successor of Lehner made a decision

The crisis of leadership in Thyssenkrupp, which is in turmoil, comes to the head
Hiesinger's resignation had begun in early July.
Meanwhile, CFO Guido Kerkhoff leads the transition
Companies. Hiesinger had said to his resignation, he "is going
aware of this step to a fundamental discussion in the
Supervisory Board to enable the future of ThyssenKrupp. "

Lehner called in the Monday message the lack of confidence
the big shareholders as a reason to leave. One common
The understanding within the supervisory board of strategic alignment is
no longer exists. The Swedes had the most pressure
The financial investor Cevian has built the reconstruction efforts of
ThyssenKrupp did not go far enough.

His decision should contribute to "the necessary awareness".
to create with all those involved a crushing of the
Society and the badociated loss of many
Employment is not an option – nor in the interest of the founder
always in the interest of our country, "explained Lehner.

IG Metall was appalled by the withdrawal of the
supervisory patterns. "This must be the last wake up call for this
to be this discipline all the participants, "said
Knut Giesler, NRW district director of the Rheinische Post (Tuesday).
The company can not rest, but the rest is exactly what it wants
The trade unionist stressed that this was so urgent

Last week, Lehner focused on individual investors
critical. They would have done a lot to the industrial goods company and
To destabilize Hiesinger, he criticized the chairman of the supervisory board
an interview. Some shareholders have taken action, "
can be described as a psychological terror "

Hiesinger was during the merger of ThyssenKrupp's steel division
with the Indian competitor Tata is under pressure, because
Shareholders such as the US hedge fund Elliott or Cevian more tempo
in the long-awaited restructuring of the Ruhr Group demanded
at. Hiesinger participated in the merger of the Thyssen steel mill
Tata's European activities have recently been completed.
Shortly after, he announced a revised strategy

The head of the company committee Wilhelm Segerath took part in the reorientation
a liquidation under pressure of the informed shareholders. He sees them
Risk that the rest of the group of financial investors has broken

The announced resignation of Lehner has the shares of the
Industrial group in the trade after business hours barely cluttered. The lesson
Well given on Tradegate shortly after the daily low of 20.51 euros;
However, it was only slightly lower than the Xetra-finish of 20.60
Euro. More recently, the papers were on Tradegate with a light

With the resignation of CEO Hiesinger, the situation was also
Lehner has become "problematic," said a trader. While Lehner
can not prevent the Krupp Foundation as the largest shareholder
the Hiesinger group no longer supports the dispute
with activist shareholders. Could possibly
"Actionists" with Lehner leave their claims even now
/ better / prevail the trader. / she / as / hgo / DP / jha

   ISIN DE0008469008 DE0007500001

AXC0274 2018-07-16 / 19: 56

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