Börse Express – The Viennese stock market anticipates an increase in premature stocks and hopes for a good order in Brexit


Securities operators wait for the opening
the Vienna Stock Exchange on Thursday with a slightly higher trend. at
At the beginning of the negotiations, the ATX should be estimated by the concessionaire at around five
Points above Wednesday closing level (3,151.94).

Later in the day, market participants see the ATX in one
Bandwidth between 3,125.00 and 3,190.00 units. the
The APA consensus, the ATX forecasts of the big banks, goes from one to the other
ATX closes at 3,183.00 points.

For the support today, especially the hope of investors
ensure an orderly Brexit. Chances are
significantly increased after the British government on Wednesday
Draft contract with the European Union approved
at. The biggest obstacle is still waiting. In the British
Parliament, which must finally ratify the treaty, exists
great resistance to the draft.

Also in the trade dispute between China and the United States emerge
first approximations of the two countries. So have yourself
According to US government circles, China has written to the demands of
United States after major changes in business practices. if
the Beijing government was open to concessions
not clear. Nevertheless, the Chinese reaction could pave the way for new
Pave negotiations to end the trade dispute.

In Vienna, the numbers of Mayr-Melnhof and the post office
the focus. In the first nine months of 2018, the carton manufacturer
Mayr-Melnhof, operating profit of more than 8 percent and the
Net profit rose 11.6%. For the fourth quarter
but maintaining the high level of income remains one of the
Challenge, wrote the company.

Meanwhile, the Austrian Post has in the first nine
As of 2018, their net results have remained virtually stable. when
The operating result was an increase of 1.5%. Sales increased
slightly up 0.8% to 1.416 billion euros.

On Wednesday, the ATX was up 0.30% to $ 3,151.94
Points closed Despite a European negative
Stock market sentiment, the domestic stock market could its youngest
End the push down.

Palfinger rose 8.7% to 27.40 euros and moved
so by far the top of the price. Was winged on
Part of the Salzburg hoist manufacturer of a project
the index registration. As of November 30, the title Palfinger instead
Polytec papers are included in the MSCI Austria index

The biggest winners of the high-end market Wednesday:

Palfinger + 8.73% 27,40 Euro
Verbund + 4.60% 40.44 Euro
EVN + 3.96% 15.22 euros

The biggest losers of the high market Wednesday:

Schoeller-Bleckmann -4.87% 70.30 Euro
AT & S -4.20% 18.70 euros
AMAG -2.57% 37.90 euros

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