Börse Express – Vienna Stock Exchange (noon) – ATX on the spot / recent leading index 0.09% more


The Vienna Stock Exchange is Friday at noon on
Place kicked. The ATX was at 12:00 with 3,276.00 points
calculated, an increase of 2.94 points or 0.09%. the
Comparison: DAX / Frankfurt + 0.10%, FTSE / London + 0.38%
and CAC-40 / Paris + 0.27%.

Despite good conditions abroad, the index
barely out of the mark at the end of the week. In the last seven years
On trading days, however, the ATX had already won six times. the
Friday, the Austrian stock market was calm and
without significant impulses

In the case of individual shares, the shares of Andritz bear the
ATX and increased 2.23 percent to 45.92 euros. In the widest
Wolford took first place in the top flight of 2.01%
to 15.20 euros too. The manufacturer of stockings Vorarlberg has 2017/18
its after-tax loss of 17.88 million to 11.54 million euros
reduced. The success of the restructuring was visible, shared

Construction demand also benefited from good demand. Porr actions
increased by 1.25% to 28.40 euros and Strabag papers
gained 1.22% to 33.10 euros. On the other hand, the weakest
Schoeller-Bleckmann oil values ​​(minus 0.79 percent to 100.50 euros)
and OMV (minus 1.23 percent to 47.37 euros). The price of Brent oil was
at noon, plus one percent in the least.

At the bottom of the course slip in the morning but the
Shares of Agrana with a loss of 2.39% to 85.70 euros.
The day before, they had after submission quarterly results still around
Increase of 1.62%. The fruit, the starch and the sugar company had
Although its net profit compared with the same quarter last year to 25.3
Million euros divided by two. However, badysts expected even less.

The ATX recorded the highest of the previous day at 11.18.
3,278.63 points, the lowest of the day was at 9:10 to 3,264.98
Units. The Prime ATX listed 0.12 at the time mentioned above
Percentage higher at 1,652.91 points. The main market showed 23
The most expensive stocks, 13 low and two unchanged

To date, 922,571 (1,180,975 previous days) have been listed on the blue chip market.
Shares converted (single account) with a price of approximately 26.89
(31.16) million euros (double counting). The paper with the highest business figure is up to now
OMV with 71,564 shares traded, a price of approximately 3.41
Millions of euros.

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   ISIN AT0000999982

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